Faith,  Joy,  Peace,  Trust

Set Apart – Galations 1:15-16

But when God, who had set me apart even from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with flesh and blood

Joy awaits!  Heed the Lord’s call and go to Him to find a joy that permeates the deepest regions of your soul.  Peace awaits!  Go to the Lord to find a peace that takes you in, replacing your disquietude, filling the void within you, and assuring you of eternal life.  Listen to the Lord, seeking a deeper revelation of the truth, and He will not disappoint you.  For the Good News of Jesus Christ promises joy, peace, fulfillment, and eternal life to those who dedicate their lives to Him and receive Him as Lord and Savior.  Therefore, receive freely from the Lord’s hand, rejoice in having entered into His family, and delight as your Heavenly Father rains blessings upon you.

Thus saved, redeemed, adopted, and blessed, set yourself apart for the Lord, and having done so, you will never be apart from Him.  He will be with you, leading you ever higher.  In His grace, through His Word, and by the exercise of your senses, grow in faith while dedicating yourself to serving Christ.  Do not be as some who prefer to remain spiritual infants, asking only what Christianity can do for them.[1]  For Jesus did not call us to serve ourselves or to become spiritually complacent, rather He calls us as His Father’s chosen instruments to carry out His plan of reconciliation to those who remain separated from Him.[2]  He writes the revelation of Himself indelibly upon our hearts, so we may know Him,[3] and in knowing Him, share the reason for our hope as a people set apart before our birth as Christ’s bondservants for the sake of the Gospel.[4]  Our praiseworthy and holy purpose is to bring honor to God through consecrated lives,[5] and our fervent ambition should be to glorify Him by letting His light illuminate the darkness as it shines through us.[6]

Accept your commission from God, and understand the work He has for you.  Dedicate yourself to serving Him rather than pouring your energy into seeking treasures and honor.[7]  Set yourself apart, allowing your life to reflect the majesty of God, and strive to complete the work the Lord preordained for you by sharing the immeasurable riches of the Gospel with others.

As you walk with God and honor His instruction to reveal His Son so that others might live, the Lord will honor you and make you a light to the nations.[8]

[1] Hebrews 5:12-14

[2] Acts 9:15

[3] 2 Corinthians 4:6

[4] Romans 1:1

[5] 1 Corinthians 6:20

[6] 1 Corinthians 10:31

[7] Jeremiah 45:5

[8] Isaiah 49:5-6