Grace,  Mercy,  Trust

Mercy – Proverbs 24:17

Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles.


We need not search far for occasions when some within the Christian community, myself included, have sinned grievously by reacting with glee to the disgrace of some public figure whose behavior we have found abhorrent.  In our outrage over an egregious breach of our standards, we pounce, ignoring the Lord’s teachings to be kind to all, including the fallen and disgraced.[1] In indignation over another’s flagrant trampling on God’s banner, we collectively forget the Word’s admonition not to fret over evildoers. Obedience to the Lord’s instruction to delight in Him, to trust in Him, and to commit our ways to Him[2] takes a hiatus. We declare bitterness acceptable given the circumstances while compassion flees under the menacing glare of our condemnation.

Surely, we need to hold those in government and Christian leadership accountable to faithfully administer our laws and uphold our values; however, we cannot find justification in God’s Word for our malice. Prayer should be our recourse, comfort, and hope for a Christ-honoring resolution.[3] For we do Christ’s cause no service by laying aside the cloak of righteousness, throwing back the veil of gentleness, and removing the crown of glory to demand punishment and banishment of the offenders. We abdicate Christ’s throne in our hearts to gossip as we feed our addiction for salacious details on the scandal and relish the chronicled missteps of the accused. Our harsh judgment reveals our lack of love, which would lead us to desire the healing and restoration of the one broken by sin were we to follow its direction. Our self-righteous cries run roughshod over the Bible’s teaching against taking our own revenge, leaving room for God to take care of the offender,[4] and our clamor for justice demonstrates a lack of faith that our omnipotent God will preserve us if we relinquish our concerns to Him.

By God’s grace, we will bring Him glory when the next firestorm ignites to entangle and cut down the mighty for violating God’s principles or human law. Therefore, pray that when light shines into dark corners to break another scandal, we, the fellowship of believers, will be faithful to our first love, Jesus Christ, and that we will honor Him by demonstrating mercy and love without hypocrisy as we refuse to join in uproarious indignation, which cannot make things right before God.[5]

Rest in the Lord and trust that He, who knows the beginning and the end, will cover sin-scarred, scorned ground with a field of wildflowers, leaving it ablaze in color, for those who love mercy and allow it to rule in their hearts.

Mercy, Lord,

   Give us merciful hearts

   Forgive us our judgment and malice

   Forgive our lack of loving-kindness

   Forgive us, and give us merciful hearts

Mercy, Lord,

   Accept us though we fall short of your glory

   Have mercy on us, and forgive us our sins

Lord, have mercy on us

[1] Luke 6:35-36

[2] Psalm 37:1-5

[3] Romans 12:9-13

[4] Romans 12:19

[5] James 1:19-20