God’s Way – Job 36:21-22
Be careful, do not turn to evil, for you have preferred this to affliction. Behold, God is exalted in His power; who is a teacher like Him?
God’s way is the one true way, the only way for those who love Him.
Do not be deceived. The end does not justify the means, and unrighteousness will never accomplish God’s righteous purposes. We cannot disregard His commandments and expect His blessings upon our lives since blatant sin becomes a chasm in the road leading to Christlikeness,[1] separating us from God, and preventing our prayers from reaching the heavens.[2]
Therefore, stay on the well-lighted, heavily protected way of integrity, keeping alert for the seducer who lies in wait. He whispers that a little dishonesty, a small deception, or a short interlude with manipulation is justifiable if our ultimate goal is to serve the Lord. He twists the truth, telling us that a tiny divergence from righteousness is excusable if we intend to use our ill-gotten advantage to further the kingdom of God, but beware, for destruction awaits those who listen to his falsehoods. We cannot place our hands in the fire without sustaining burns,[3] and we are foolish to attempt to defend our sin. God is not deceived, and those who justify their transgressions will suffer the consequences of their disobedience.[4]
The Lord looks within the heart, judging, not only according to our conduct, but also to our intentions, and He will never bless anything tainted by sin. He, who is Righteousness, Justice, and Truth,[5] will not honor that which is wrong, unjust, or untrue. He cannot; for unrighteousness, injustice, and untruthfulness are incompatible with His character.
Does your heart desire to see Christ glorified through your works? Remain steadfast on the Holy Way. Even if the prospect of success in your undertakings is dismal or the tasks ahead seem overwhelming, reject outright any solution that cannot bare the pure light of Jesus Christ. Give it no consideration. Do not rely on unholy tactics or unrighteous deeds. For He who stands arrayed in golden splendor and surrounded by awesome majesty[6] is with you, and He, from whom and through whom all good things come, will accomplish the seemingly undoable, the surely unattainable, and the undoubtedly unreachable on your behalf if you will depend on Him to perform the work He has called you to do.[7]
Stay on the pathway leading through the Gate of Life, and trust the One who works miracles among us.[8] Guard against unrighteousness, so sin will not lead you astray. Conduct yourself in the ways of God, trusting Him, and watch in confidence as He unfolds His perfectly designed plan for you.[9]
Decency and virtue
Holiness, pure, unstained
Truthfulness and honor
Reign in the heart He trained
To resist temptation
To stand on holy ground
To reject dishonesty
To linger not with the unsound
Rays of glory’s sunlight
Warm the one who stayed,
Turning neither right nor left,
Upon the road He laid
[1] Ezekiel 18:30-31
[2] Isaiah 59:2
[3] Proverbs 6:27
[4] Galatians 6:7
[5] Romans 10:3 Zechariah 9:9, John 1:14
[6] Job 37:22
[7] Romans 11:36
[8] Galatians 3:5
[9] Psalm 37:5