Courage,  Faith,  Humility,  Trust

Grace During Affliction – 2 Corinthians 4:8

We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing;

When problems hammer us, when a rash of breakdowns, deadlines, and unexpected expenses inundate us, when trials press us from all sides, we have a God-ordained opportunity to influence for Christ the people who observe us, but will we? 

Will the light of Jesus Christ shine through us as we calmly address trying and unpleasant circumstances, or will we crack?  Will we maintain a joyful, peaceful demeanor as we trust in our loving Father to provide a way through troubling dilemmas and severe disappointments, or will we lose our self-control as we complain, argue, and cast blame on others?  Will those watching us as we deal with hard times see something worth desiring?  Will we show them that we stand on a foundation of solid rock though the earth quivers and quakes beneath us, or will they see another reflection of our harried, angry, fearful, faithless society?

We know the Lord instructs us to cast all our cares on Him and to believe in His promises to sustain us.[1]  Will we?  We understand that we are not to be anxious about anything; rather we are to pray with thanksgiving about everything touching our lives.[2]  Do we?  How do we choose to live?  Will we leave the sweet aroma of Christ every place we go[3] or the stench of anger, fear, and unbelief?

Through Christ within us, we have the power to stand fast, demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit, even when the four walls around us are squeezing us as if we were in a vice.  As we allow Christ to be Lord of our lives, Lord of every situation whether mundane or profound, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control[4] will flow from the well of purified water within us, rejoicing our hearts and providing a powerful witness to others.  

Beloved of Christ, son or daughter of the King, accept difficult times with joy, recognizing that they give you an opportunity to proclaim to the world that Jesus Christ changes hearts and provides a superior way to live.  Demonstrate your assurance in things hoped for[5] by persevering with grace during distress.  Praise the Lord, standing confident that He will never fail to provide for you.  Allow your confidence in the promise of things not seen to testify to the watching world that the struggles of life will not crush those who hold fast to Jesus; rather their souls can delight in the Lord’s consolations.[6]

The day seemed perfect and serene
As I pursued my week’s routine
Nothing untoward seemed in store
Much like the day that went before

But then a sudden squall arose
To blow upon the path I chose
And all at once the sky turned black
Lightning flashed and thunder cracked

I shuddered at how fast life changed
As all my plans were rearranged
The devastation seemed complete
‘Til I looked down from glory’s seat

For then I somehow understood
That God would use it for my good
Affliction burned, but could not crush
For Jesus lovingly said, “Hush,

“I have seen the tears you’ve shed
As I sat down beside the bed
On which you cried and tossed about
Concerning things turned inside out

“Though sorrowing about your plight
Walk with Me above your sight
And trust that joyfulness awaits
Those who enter heaven’s gates”

[1] Psalm 55:22

[2] Philippians 4:6

[3] 2 Corinthians 2:14

[4] Galatians 5:22-23

[5] Hebrews 11:1

[6] Psalm 94:19