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Bridling the Tongue – Luke 12:3

Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops.

“If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t say it!”  Good advice, wise and true, and we should take it, thereafter limiting our comments about people to those that we would say to them directly in a spirit of goodwill and loving-kindness.  Should we receive and follow this sage advice, we would be making a quantum leap toward bridling our tongues and thus bringing our entire bodies under control.[1]  Furthermore, we would benefit greatly from the elimination of myriad sins and innumerable conflicts.  We would banish gossip and slander, and silence the harsh clamor of our judgment of others.

Imagine the anxiety we would spare ourselves, for we would be free from the worry of our victim learning of our critical remarks or our listener betraying us.  Our comments could not come back to demand an explanation or defense, nor could they require us to fend off counterattacks.  Relationships would no longer suffer from the taint caused by our careless and thoughtless chatter.  Quietness and peace would surround us, for without our whispers fanning the fires of hatred and strife, contention would dissipate.[2]  Bitterness would run out of fuel, and thereby die.

As we keep our silence over matters we should not reveal, faithfulness will grow in our spirits.[3]  Integrity and righteousness will blossom within us, and truth will capture our hearts.  Our faces will shine with the light of Jesus Christ rather than the darkness that accompanies a duplicitous, backbiting tongue.[4]  Our love for others will grow unfettered by the guilt of our unkindness and deceit. 

Bridle your tongue, and enjoy the benefits that come from honoring the Lord with your lips and reflecting the love of the Father through your transformed character.  Speak only that which is true and valuable, and watch in awe as the Holy Spirit performs a heart-changing work within you, maturing you, bringing you ever closer to the perfection of Christ.[5] 

Fly away, duplicity, for integrity reigns here
Truth has taken a position as sentinel over my lips
And kindness stands beside it
You are no longer welcome,
For your smothering overgrowth does not belong among the roses
The Lord has planted in my heart

No more prattling and tattling, my lips
Remember, we must face our brother and sister again
And I desire to do so with
A clear conscience and unashamed eye

Sleep well, my soul
Fear not your words circling back to betray you
Nor concern yourself with the raging fires gossip ignites
Having shunned its fellowship,
You are free from its destruction
Rather, quietness and peace have become your loyal companions

Shine down on me, Light of heaven
Nourish the buds of faithfulness within my garden

Rise pure and holy, fragrances of love
Rise before my Lord
And rejoice, my heart, in Wisdom’s glory

[1] James 3:2

[2] Proverbs 26:20

[3] Proverbs 11:13

[4] Proverbs 25:23

[5] Colossians 4:12