Courage,  Discernment,  Trust

God is in Control – Colossians 1:17

He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

Boom, another dream explodes and its debris crashes to the earth. 

Yet, we will not despair if we refuse to succumb to disillusionment or fear.  For when we look to Jesus, we will find Him faithful to lift us, His beloved, above disappointment and trouble.[1]  He assures us that our Father, who controls the rising of the sun and the flow of the tides, controls our days though for a short time, we may find ourselves in the throes of tribulation and our world may appear to be collapsing.[2]  Since Christ saved us in hope,[3] hope will sustain us through hardship, which endures no longer than an instant when measured against eternity.  Sorrow, disappointment, and trials are mere mirages when compared to the glory Christ has promised us.

With our eyes fixed on Jesus, we cannot be defeated, for our Heavenly Father has put every nation, people, tongue, and tribe in subjection under the feet of our Lord, and He, who reigns far above all rule and authority and power and dominion,[4] loves and cares for us.[5]  Our Father lavishes His grace upon us through Jesus Christ,[6] who is an everlasting light for us.[7]  He has granted us access to the inner sanctuary of holiness where we can depend on receiving mercy and help in our time of need.[8] 

We waste our energy when we frantically seek solutions to our problems, forgetting God is in control.  Exceedingly wiser and abundantly more beneficial is praise to the King flowing from resolute hearts as we pray to Him.  Our disquietude melts away when we listen to the testimony of all creation that God does not slumber nor sleep.[9]  Rather He is at work, using everything that touches our lives according to His kind intentions towards us for His excellent and honorable purposes[10] and ensuring nothing happens to us that He will not use for our good. 

Trust Jesus with all that you love and hold dear.  Trust Him with all your concerns.  Listen as He encourages you, “Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.”[11]  Make faith, hope, and love your confidence and take joy, knowing that Christ is always with you, remaining your constant and trustworthy friend, controlling every happening under the sun.[12]

As I close my eyes and breathe in the cool,
Refreshing breeze of Your Word
Your joy uplifts my downcast spirit
Your hope quiets my frantic heart
Your love settles my anxious mind

As a I lift my face, and feel the warmth of the sun
Upon my cheeks and furrowed brow
Your goodness stirs the fires of devotion
Your faithfulness loosens the cords of tension
Your kindness awakes the assurance of provision

Unto You I call out; none other in heaven or earth can help me
Unto You I lift my voice in praise; no other course can set my heart free
Before You, I bow, falling on my face, prostrate, humble, helpless, in great need
And You lift my head and raise me high above the burdens that weigh upon me
Enabling me to stand upright, to glow with the radiance of a bride
Causing me to sing for joy in the presence of my gracious Lord

[1] John 14:27

[2] John 16:33

[3] Romans 8:24

[4] Ephesians 1:20-22

[5] 1 Peter 5:7

[6] Ephesians 1:6-8

[7] Isaiah 60:19

[8] Hebrews 4:16

[9] Psalm 121:3-4

[10] Ephesians 1:11

[11] John 14:1

[12] Isaiah 43:2-6