Faith,  Holiness,  Praise,  Truth

Chosen by God – Psalm 107:43b

. . .consider the loving kindnesses of the Lord.

Consider our God, resplendent, majestic as the mighty mountains, powerful, exalted beyond the heavens, the One whom nothing in all of heaven, even the highest heavens, can contain.[1]  By the word of His mouth, He created the universe and all that is in it.[2]  He counts the number of the stars, and He gives each of them a name.[3]  He held the waters of the earth in the hollow of His hand, measured the heavens by His fingers, and weighted the planets on His scales.[4] 

He is the Lord Most High and the King over the earth and the galaxies that lie beyond it.[5]  Whatever He pleases to do in the heavens, earth, and sea, He does.[6]  None in all of creation approaches His greatness[7] for He is the Creator of all things, who was from before the beginning of time and will be for all eternity.  His wisdom is immeasurable, His judgments are unsearchable, and His ways are unfathomable.[8]  Nothing is too hard for Him,[9] nothing is impossible with Him,[10] nothing is beyond His reach, and nothing is outside His control.[11] 

Having set your mind on the awesomeness of our God, now consider that He, this mighty God of infinite creativity, power, and understanding, has chosen us as His beloved.  By His fervent love and tender mercy, He adopted us when we called upon the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, bringing us into His family and making us full heirs in His kingdom.  He, the omnipotent ruler over the galaxies, is never far from us, for He inhabits the place where we are, pervading it with His splendor.[12]  He cherishes us, keeping us close to Him, and He considers us precious in His sight, valuing us so highly that He sent His own Son to rescue us from our spiritual morass.

Holy, holy, holy is our Lord, and highly to be praised.  Awesome in power, abounding in loving-kindness, He reaches down and lifts us high to a heavenly place of honor where we will dwell with Him in glory.  Sovereign over all creation, yet magnanimous to His own, is our God, who extends a love to us that goes beyond our comprehension, a love that exceeds our needs, a love that sustains us through all the days of our lives, a love that will delight us for all eternity.[13]

Had I the gift of eloquence
I still could not express
The magnificence of Christ, our King
Though I long to do no less

The finite mind has not conceived
Words that could begin to say
How glorious a God He is
Or His faithfulness relay

His far exceeds the beauty
Of the hillside lush and green
He shines brighter than the brightest star
Ever man has seen

Fragrant as the spring’s perfume
Gentle as a whispered word
His voice is far more beautiful
Than any sound I’ve heard

He’s God with us, the great I Am
He reigns in power and majesty
And yet this King of all that lives
Has chosen to love me

[1] Psalm 57:5, 1 Kings 8:27

[2] Genesis 1:1-27

[3] Psalm 147:4

[4] Isaiah 40:12

[5] Psalm 47:2

[6] Psalm 135:6

[7] Hebrews 6:13

[8] Romans 11:33

[9] Jeremiah 32:17

[10] Luke 1:37

[11] 1 Chronicles 29:11

[12] Jeremiah 23:23-24

[13] Psalm 108:3-6