Faith,  Freedom,  Hope,  Joy

Saving Grace – Psalm 102:20

To hear the groaning of the prisoner, to set free those who were doomed to death,

As a young woman, I turned away from the church and decided there was no God.  I determined that even if He did indeed exist, I did not want to associate with a God who allowed so much suffering and pain in the world.  Imagine my arrogance to judge the King of the universe and shake my fist at Him.

I blithely continued in my rebellion for a number of years until, amazingly, that same King, our merciful God, called me into His family while I was yet dead in my transgressions.[1]  Through His miraculous grace, He revealed His Son to me.[2]  Inexplicably, my walk into new life began, seemingly out of nowhere, with a desire to pray.  Since I had denied the existence of God, I could only pray, “If there is a God, show me the way.”  Over time, the Lord softened my heart and changed my prayer to, “God, show me the way.”

In His faithfulness to hear and answer the prayers of one seeking truth with an open heart,[3] He sent people to lead me to Himself.  In one year and for only one year, He brought four special Christians into my life:  a neighbor, a cousin-in-law, and a couple who worked for our family business.  Each had a profound love for the Lord and a burning desire for the salvation of the lost, and I was undoubtedly lost.  One night, all four showed up at my door uninvited and unable to explain why they were there.  As we awkwardly sat in my den, they talked about their faith in and love for Jesus Christ.  One woman shared how she had come to accept Jesus as her Lord and Savior, and after these dear souls left that night, I invited Jesus to be my Lord and Savior.  Thus began a life-changing journey with Him, for according to His promise, when I opened my heart and searched for Him, I found Him, and with Him, eternal life.[4]

If you have not entered into eternal life, pray a simple prayer asking the Lord to show you the way and to bring you into His royal family.  He will hear your prayer and answer you.[5]  He will show you the way to repentance and to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  Seek Him, and you will find Him, and in finding Him, He will commute your death sentence as He gives you abundant life and joy in His presence from that day forward, forevermore.[6]

Why did You choose me; I don’t understand?
Why have You held me in the palm of Your hand?
I didn’t deserve it; I don’t to this day
Had I done the judging, I’d have cast me away.

And yet You embraced me, Your hold on me tight.
You carried me through every dark, empty night.
I whined and I cried and gave you no pleasure,
But you treated me like Your most precious treasure.

You spoke to me gently, “Beloved, be still,
It will all be made right; I promise it will.
I’ll be with you always, today and tomorrow,
And there’ll come a time when you’ll know no more sorrow.”

You encouraged my heart; You carried my load.
You taught me to love by the pure love You showed.
You sanctified, cleansed, forgave, and redeemed,
And You counted it worthy that I be esteemed.

So bowed down before You in worship, my King,
Loving, adoring, my praises I bring.
Remembering always what You did for me
By taking a sinner, and setting her free.

[1] Ephesians 2:4-5

[2] Galatians 1:15-16

[3] Psalm 143:1

[4] Deuteronomy 4:29

[5] Psalm 66:19-20

[6] John 10:10, Psalm 16:11