Abide,  Obedience,  Truth

The Truth – Psalm 117:2

For His loving-kindness is great toward us, and the truth of the Lord is everlasting.  Praise the Lord!

The Lord defines truth to us in ever-greater clarity, for it is like a treasure trove overflowing with jewels of magnificent beauty and immense value.  Its enormity is beyond our grasp, and while we can only carry a few of its gems away at a time, their facets catch the light of the sun and shine brilliantly for all to see as we wear them around our necks.[1] 

Truth permeates our thoughts and words when we write it on the tablet of our hearts.  It springs from the earth we tread,[2] and yet, the Lord must remove much dross from us before it flows freely, unobstructed and undiluted, from our hearts.[3]  To embrace it, we must refuse company with lies, deceit, flattery, and fantasies.  To own it, we must obey it; thereby, allowing it to purify our souls.[4] 

If we would walk with our Lord, we must have close fellowship with the truth, pursuing it with all our strength, for our Lord is the Truth;[5] therefore, pursuing truth is pursuing Him.  He calls us to the truth, teaching us to speak it to one another,[6] to let our minds dwell on it,[7] to stand in it, and to practice it, so we will abide in the Light with our deeds reflecting God’s work in us.[8]  He shows us that truth is worth setting ourselves apart that we might receive it, for truth is everlasting.[9]  It reaches to the skies,[10] and it goes before the throne of the King of kings.[11]  So great a treasure is highly to be prized and eagerly to be sought.

Blessedly, rather than leaving us to flounder in our pursuit of truth, God has given us the Spirit of Truth who will guide us into all truth and work it into our hearts.[12]  He will make the truth alive to us as He sanctifies us in it, and He will help us mine its riches, for they are too marvelous for us to comprehend without Spirit-inspired revelation. 

Ask the Lord to cover your heart and anoint your lips with truth.  Abide in it, and it will serve you well.  Invite the Spirit of the Lord to guide you more deeply into it, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.[13]

Treasures overflow its trove, jewels of priceless worth
Truth’s beauty falls as golden snow gently upon the earth
It radiates God’s glory into this sin-worn soul
Bringing with it promises that restore, make whole

If I will pursue it and declare that it is mine
The sparkle of its diamonds cannot help but shine
For its light and wisdom glow from atop a hill
No longer dark and hidden by the basket of my will

It fills my seeking soul; it is written on my heart
Giving understanding, it sets my thoughts apart
Springing forth as life from the earth I tread
It guides and covers over every word I’ve said

It purifies and molds me, this holy company
Leaving room no longer for deceit or flattery
Casting out all guile, fantasies, and lies
For it is everlasting, reaching to the skies

If I will obey it, it becomes my shield and sword
Drawing me each day a little closer to my Lord
For Jesus Christ alone is the only Truth, this King
And with truth, I am assured, my Lord will also bring

The sweet joy of heaven, a future and a hope
And His Holy Spirit, so I have no need to grope
For wisdom or understanding. This Truth will live within
My heart and mind, transforming me, so I may be like Him

[1] Proverbs 3:3

[2] Psalm 85:11

[3] Psalm 19:9-10

[4] 1 Peter 1:22

[5] John 14:6

[6] Zechariah 8:16

[7] Philippians 4:8

[8] John 3:21

[9] Psalm 117:2

[10] Psalm 108:4

[11] Psalm 89:14

[12] John 16:13

[13] John 8:32