Grace,  Humility,  Trust

Weakness – 2 Corinthians 12:9

And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.”  Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.

Though we are but frail, human vessels, our God is strong, and paradoxically, the more profoundly aware we are of our weakness, the stronger the power of God becomes in us.[1]  We see Kingdom victories accomplished, not by the strength of the powerful, but by the Spirit of God working through yielded hearts and willing hands.[2]  For in our weakness, the Lord girds us with strength, protecting us with the shield of salvation and upholding us with His right hand.[3]  We gather power, not from within ourselves, but as we quietly wait for the Lord and put our trust in Him.[4]

Throughout history, God has chosen the weak to perform the impossible in His name.  Look at Moses; was ever a man so fearful and more aware of his inadequacy to stand against an all-powerful king?  He rightly said, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?”[5]  On his own, he was powerless against his adversary, but when he, recognizing his total dependence on God and trusting in His unfaltering faithfulness, submitted to God’s will, the Lord performed miracle upon miracle through him. 

We must not delude ourselves into thinking we are strong in our own right, for we are all like cracked vessels, requiring a constant flow of grace from the throne of glory, lest the little we have drain away from us, leaving us bone-dry.  Though we are weak, in our weakness, we rejoice, for it makes us usable by God, who alone is our rock and our fortress, the One who leads us into triumph.  His life-sustaining flow never ceases, for He fills and renews us, making us able to stand in His strength as we seek Him. 

Remember, the Lord does not depend on what we bring to accomplish His purposes; He does not rely on militias, war plans, and artillery to achieve success for His kingdom.[6]  Recognize that apart from the indwelling Holy Spirit, you can do nothing of eternal value, but as you decrease and allow the Lord to increase, you become as a light shining out of the darkness, so all who see might know its source is from God and be drawn to Him.[7] 

Put your trust in the name of the Lord your God, and though massive armies may stumble and fall, you will stand strong and victorious in Christ.[8]

[1] 2 Corinthians 3:5

[2] Zechariah 4:6

[3] Psalm 18:31-32, 35

[4] Isaiah 30:15

[5] Exodus 3:11

[6] Hosea 1:7

[7] 2 Corinthians 4:6-7

[8] Psalm 20:7-9