Discipline,  Holiness,  Obedience,  Trust

Honoring the Sabbath – Exodus 20:8

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

The Lord God Almighty desires to give us excellent lives, lives that honor Him and abound in blessings.  As our loving Father, He gave us the best He could offer any created thing, for He fashioned us in His own image.  He breathed into us holy, godlike passions, so we might have heart-delighting joy, soul-satisfying fulfillment, and deep-seated contentment.  He, who knew the pleasure of producing magnificent and valuable creations through the works of His hand, gave us the desire to work and granted us pleasure from the good produce of our labor.  In the same way, He, who rested from His majestic work of creation after six days, gave us the need to set aside one day of the seven for rest.[1]

The Lord blessed this day of rest, the Sabbath day, the seventh day in the Old Testament and observed on the first day by the New Testament church in celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  He set this one day aside as a holy day.[2]  He made it for our benefit,[3] as a privilege, as a time of rest, reflection, prayer, and praise to rejuvenate us and built us up in Christ.[4]  He made it for our pleasure, not to bind us, but to free us, for we live not under the law, but under grace.[5] 

On this day each week, we are to rest and be refreshed, putting aside our toil, joining in worship, taking joy in communion with the Lord and sharing reciprocated love and affection with Him.  On this day, we are to set aside our frenetic activity that we might delight in the Lord’s presence,[6] rejoicing in Him, as did the morning stars when they sang together upon the completion of His work of creation.[7]  On this day, we are to enjoy our families and friends and all the blessings the Lord has showered upon us. 

Accept the gift of the Sabbath from your loving Father’s hand.  Honor it out of obedience to the third commandment, and rejoice in it out of wisdom.  Delight in spending this day dedicated to fellowship with the Lord and His people.  Lay down your work for these twenty-four hours each week.  Enjoy a day of reverence, rest, and fun.  Set this day apart to reflect on the Lord’s graciousness to you and to distinguish yourself as a follower of the Lord, one who honors Him and His commandments, and you will come away from the Sabbath refreshed and revived in mind, body, and soul.[8]

[1] Genesis 2:2-3

[2] Exodus 20:9-11

[3] Exodus 16:29

[4] Mark 2:27

[5] Romans 6:14

[6] Isaiah 58:13-14

[7] Job 38:7

[8] Exodus 31:13, Exodus 23:12