Abide,  Trust,  Wisdom

Labor in Vain – Psalm 127:1

Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman keeps awake in vain.

As I labor away, well into my fifth year of writing this devotional, Psalm 127:1 comes frequently to mind.  For I have buried the skeletons of too many projects, on which I expended enormous effort and went to great expense only to later determine they had no lasting value.  Too many times, my mode of approaching a project has been close to fanaticism: staying up late; getting less sleep than I needed; working on the Sabbath; and robbing time from prayer, Bible study, and ministry.  I have been a slow learner since I have repeatedly done what was wise in my own eyes, thinking I could harvest an abundant crop from seeds sown in partial obedience and marginal dependence on God.[1]  However, I was deceived, for without Him, I could do nothing,[2] and my efforts were for naught. 

Having finally grown bone-tired of wasting my energy by running blithely off on my own, apart from the Spirit’s leading, I am resolved to do it right this time.  I praise God for allowing me to start again rather than abandoning me in my folly.  By His grace, He is teaching me the wisdom of depending on Him rather than my own near-sighted vision,[3] for my help comes from Him.[4]  He is giving me an ever-growing desire to spend more time with Him and to pursue understanding through His Word, so my work will prove profitable for His kingdom.  He is assuring me that as I seek His wisdom with each word written and each hour expended, He will use the work of my hands and the words of my mouth to bring glory to His name and further the cause of Christ on earth.

Friend in Christ, allow the experience of one who has wasted much on foolish pursuits to help you avoid detours onto the Path of Futility.  Do not toil in vain.  Rather produce that which is enduring and valuable for the kingdom of God.[5]  Commit your work, your days, and your life to the Lord.  Listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit within you; follow Him, and as you do, the Lord will bless you, for He delights in the success of those who serve Him.[6]

[1] Galatians 6:7

[2] John 15:5

[3] Psalm 37:5

[4] Psalm 121:2

[5] Philippians 2:15b-16

[6] Psalm 35:27