Faith,  Grace,  Love,  Trust

Known by God – Psalm 139:1

O Lord, You have searched me and known me.

God knows us, and yet He loves us. 

The King of the universe, the Almighty God, the Creator of all that is, and was, and is to come, knows us with a knowledge penetrating deeper and further than we could fathom.  He has always known us.  He knew us before we were born, for He created us in His image, formed us in our mother’s womb, and consecrated us, His children, for Himself before we breathed our first breath.[1] 

He knows everything about us.  He is intimately acquainted with all our ways, knowing when we get up, when we go out, and when we come in.[2] He knows our thoughts and the hidden intentions of our hearts.[3]  He understands us and knows what we will say before the words form on our lips.  He knows us in full, not in part, knowing beyond what we have chosen to reveal to Him,[4] for He has searched us and seen all our deeds, including those we have done in private, far from the eye of any human observer.[5]  He knows our sins are like scarlet, our hearts are deceitful, and that all our righteousness is as filthy rags.[6]  He knows all about us, and amazingly, inexplicably, with our worst sin, our vilest thoughts, and most contemptible actions exposed before Him, He loves us. 

Unfathomably, though God knows us to the core of our hearts and souls, He does not demand that we live in dishonor and humiliation for our imperfections.  Out of His love for us, even while we were still dead in our sins, He offered us the privilege of receiving Jesus as our Lord and Savior, thus giving us the gift of eternal life.[7]  He lifted us out of our hopelessness and adopted us into His family as His treasured children.  Having cleansed us by the blood of Jesus Christ and having given us the desire to grow in holiness, He patiently and tenderly continues His work of sanctification within us.[8] 

His grace covers us, and His Word assures us that He will never turn away from us; therefore, we need not attempt to hide our inner selves from God.  He, who knows us, loves us, and He will not allow anything, no power in heaven or on earth, to separate us from His love.[9] 

Take joy in knowing that God knows you, and in knowing you, He loves you with a love that endures forever.[10] 

I love knowing that You love me
I love being cherished, protected, and shielded
As I walk in the shadow of Your wings
I love feeling the warmth of Your grace
Streaming down from heaven upon me

I love knowing that You love me
I love seeing the hedge you have built around me
To keep me from evil that it might not harm me
I love knowing that multitudes of angels
Surround me during times of battle

I love knowing that You love me
I love hearing You call me, “My beloved child”
Having been adopted into Your family
Having received a full share of Your inheritance
Secure in the place You have reserved for me in heaven

I love knowing that You love me
Having been set apart and kept for Jesus Christ
Being considered by You as precious and valuable
Being sought by You as one seeks treasure of matchless worth

I love knowing that You love me
With an everlasting love
I love knowing that nothing can ever separate me from Your love
That no one can snatch me from You
For You hold me in the palm of Your hand

I love knowing that You love me

[1] Genesis 1:26, Jeremiah 1:5

[2] Psalm 139:2-6

[3] Hebrews 4:12

[4] 1 Corinthians 13:12

[5] Psalm 90:8, Jeremiah 17:10

[6] Isaiah 1:18, Jeremiah 17:9, Isaiah 64:6

[7] Ephesians 2:4-5, Galatians 4:5, John 3:16

[8] 1 Corinthians 1:4-8

[9] Romans 8:38-39

[10] Psalm 136:2