Abide,  Grace,  Gratitude,  Obedience

Living Water – John 7:38

“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’ â€

As seekers drink the first drop of living water from the well of salvation, they are forever changed.  A spring bubbles up within their souls, bringing eternal life,[1] and each begins an extraordinary encounter with the Lord of lords.  As the newly adopted children of God go daily to the Fountainhead to drink from the holy waters, the majesty and perfection of the Lord unfold,[2] and understanding, luscious and verdant, imbues their hearts to end the drought and desolation they had endured so long.

Thus immersed in grace, those who put their faith in Jesus Christ and who devote themselves to loving, obeying, and serving God, grow ever more ardent for the cause of Christ.  Their fledgling faith starts as a trickle.  Soon it covers their ankles, and as the life-giving waters stream into them from the Throne of Grace,[3] the joy of their salvation grows in force, becoming like a river flowing from their innermost beings.[4] 

Glistening in the purity of Christ’s holiness, the consecrated believer leads others to the refreshing waters of redemption and reconciliation.  As the joy of the Lord rushes forth, spilling onto the dry land, the healing flow of love and grace will draw those along the river’s banks into the water.[5]  And the seekers will sing out, “Glory†at their immersion, for this river makes glad the hearts of those who go to its source, Jesus Christ, to drink and satisfy their thirst for all eternity.[6] 

How deep is the flow of joy running from you?  Is it as the dew, barely perceivable and quickly burned off with the first rays of unpleasantness, or does it ebb and flow with external distractions and internal moods.  Let it be like a river, deep and wide, strong and steady.  Go and drink from the waters of grace when you rise, and when you lie down, when you eat, and when you play.  Go to the source of all life, Jesus Christ, and drink, allowing His holy water to satisfy you as it washes over you, to fill you with truth, faith, and hope.  Go, and be filled, so the love streaming from you will show others that what our Lord offers is good. 

Drink from the living waters that flow from the sanctuary, and your sanctified life will draw others to the River of Life that they might desire to step into its purifying flow and enter into eternal life as children of God.[7]

[1] John 4:14

[2] Psalm 119:130

[3] Revelation 22:1

[4] Ezekiel 47:3-6, John 7:38

[5] Revelation 22:2

[6] Psalm 46:4 

[7] John 5:24