Discipline,  Grace,  Humility

Self Praise – Proverbs 27:2a

Let another praise you, and not your own mouth

Somewhere along the Highway of Holiness, the Lord has turned my words of self-praise to sand in my mouth.  As I am speaking, the words ring hollow in my ears, and they offend me, as I am sure they offend others.  When I indulge in self-aggrandizement for some accomplishment rather than acknowledging the One to whom all praise belongs, I find myself humiliated, and I feel as if I am observing another making a fool of herself.

For when we boast about ourselves, we are blatantly ignoring the Lord’s instruction not to glory in our own wisdom, strength, or riches, but to glory in knowing Him.[1]  The Spirit of Truth guides us in all our ways; therefore, we cannot create anything of value apart from Him.  We know that every perfect gift comes from the Father of lights.[2]  He is the Creator of all that is beautiful, inspiring, excellent, and worthy of praise.[3]  Therefore, since our adequacy is from God and Him alone, how dare we boast of anything other than of Him?[4] 

By God’s grace, we can shed our hunger for praise and enter into the joy of His glory.  If we will be sensitive to Him, the Holy Spirit will convict us when we deflect what rightly belongs to God away from Him onto ourselves.  He will teach us that it is far more pleasing to have someone else point out that which is praiseworthy in our lives than to do so ourselves, for together, we can rejoice and thank the Lord for His blessings and loving-kindness as our grateful hearts offer praise to Him, the giver of our talents and capabilities.

Listen to the words you speak, and ask the Lord to reveal those rooted in a prideful heart.  Seek to understand who is the source of your accomplishments, and should you find yourself soaring in pride over who you are or what you have done, fall on your face before our majestic God, and worship Him.  Allow admiration to rise out of your awe for Him, and give thanks that He has granted you the privilege of knowing Him.  Praise Him for considering you worthy to be in His service and for giving you the hands, mind, and lips you use to carry out Kingdom work.[5] 

Rejoice in the Lord, lifting high His banner over the land, praising Him to the heavens for making you a vessel worthy to bring glory to Him.[6]

I was puffed up with pride when I said to a friend,
“I am quite important; I’ve done thus and so
The result was outstanding and others have said
How truly amazing are the things that I know.”

I went on to expound on my talent and skills
Which I felt were extraordinary and rare
I listed my triumphs, the things I’d achieved
About my successes, I was happy to share

I discounted the Spirit telling me to be still,
“You are making a spectacle out of yourself
Everything that you have has come from My hand
In kindness, I’ve blessed you out of My wealth”

But when I went later on my knees to the Lord
To pray for the pressing concerns of my soul
My self-worship clanged like bells in my ears
For I’d stolen His glory to my life extol

I asked Him to forgive, to wash over my heart
With a fresh wave of longing that others might see
His mercy, compassion, the depths of His love
And His glory and beauty reflected in me

For every good thing comes from the Lord
And each perfect gift is a blessing from Him
I am but a branch, and He is the Vine
He is the trunk while I am but a limb

[1] Jeremiah 9:23-24

[2] James 1:17

[3] John 1:3

[4] 2 Corinthians 3:5

[5] Psalm 44:8

[6] 1 Peter 4:11