Morning – Psalm 5:3
In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; in the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch.
A delightful rendezvous awaits those who love God and meet Him early each morning. Having experienced the joy of entering God’s presence, they cannot wait to be reunited with their most faithful of friends, and they find that dropping to their knees beside their beds as they arise from sleep, talking with the Lord, praying, and studying the Word are as natural as breathing.
Ironically, in the past, I would awake eager to start my day in prayer and Bible study during the week when my schedule was packed. As I joyfully sought the Lord’s direction and strength for the day’s challenges, His love never failed to satisfy and enrich my soul,[1] and I would go into the world like a teenager in love. However, discipline often deserted me on weekends. When I had all day to pray and study, I would at times find myself procrastinating, putting off my spiritual banquet, failing to drink from the fountain of truth and to dine on the bread of life. Dedicating time to prayer became less of a joy as the day went on, and my unmet appointment with the Lord weighed upon me.
The joy of fellowship with the Lord has become so dear to me I rarely substitute this time for the busyness of life. The rewards from meeting with the Lord to wash in the fount of His forgiveness, to breathe in His loving-kindness, and to better understand how to live are too great.[2] Starting my mornings refreshed in His compassions,[3] with my heart rejoicing in Him and my lips bringing Him glory[4] are too delightful to forego for I know that worship, thanksgiving, and prayer prepare me for a joyful, profitable day. Unburdening my heart as I lay every concern before my faithful, devoted Father is too necessary to my peace of mind to skip.
For the joy set before you, for the promise of blessing,
for the fulfillment of the longing in your soul, make delighting in the Lord
and spending time with Him first in your days.
Direct your heart and mind toward Him as you arise to face the plans and
unknowns that lay before you. Lift up
your soul to Him, and prepare yourself for the waiting opportunities and trials
by meditating on the Word and fellowshipping with Him. Allow Him to fill you afresh each morning
with an awareness of His love and provision, and watch as He honors your
faithfulness by blessing you, surrounding you with favor, and wrapping His
shield of protection around you.[5]
[1] Psalm 63:5
[2] Psalm 143:8
[3] Lamentations 3:22-23
[4] Psalm 57:7, Psalm 50:14
[5] Psalm 5:12