Discernment,  Discipline,  Encouragement,  Humility,  Kindness

Empty Chatter – 2 Timothy 2:16

But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness,

Imagine that the worst fashion violator, the strangest conversationalist, the rudest elitist, or the most self-aggrandizing person joins the group in which you are congregating.  When after startling, confusing, amazing, or repulsing you, the person continues on his way, do you whisper some dainty morsel of gossip to your cluster?[1]  Do you indulge in a cutting or humorous remark about this unsuspecting soul’s looks or behavior?  Does your response come chapter and verse from the world’s standards, or do you stand with the Lord on higher ground, in the quiet place above gossip and chatter, the place of godliness and dignity?[2] 

By God’s grace, choose the high ground.  For though the temptation to ridicule, defame, or complain may beg to be satisfied, demonstrate moral excellence by saying nothing, recognizing that Scripture speaks about such times as those when we are to keep silent.[3]  Therefore, remain silent.  Rather than talking behind a person’s back, guard your lips against gossiping.  Treat the one who is different from you in the same way you would want others to treat you.[4]  Admonish the Christian in love either at the time or later privately if the occasion warrants and the Lord leads you to do so, but do not whisper your condemnation to others.  Although someone may be strange, rude, or unreasonable, show respect, and avoid the trap of commenting to fill the void once he is out of your earshot.  Endure the twenty seconds of silence, and move on with your business.

As athletes dedicate themselves to training for the gold, so dedicate yourself to training for life as a Christian.  As one who is ambitious to know Jesus in His righteousness, refrain from prattling, for it, being incompatible with the honorable behavior the Lord requires of His disciples,[5] disqualifies the prattler from being a champion in Christ.  Instead of sinning with your mouth, thereby, strapping the weight of disobedience on your back, run unencumbered, so you can leap over life’s hurdles into the joy we receive from obeying God. 

Keep yourself from speaking unkindly against anyone.  Rather, strive toward the finish line where a Christlike heart awaits, and along the way, you will gain the imperishable reward of a gentle and loving spirit, which is delightful in God’s sight.[6]

[1] Proverbs 26:22

[2] 1 Timothy 2:2

[3] Ecclesiastes 3:7

[4] Matthew 7:12

[5] 1 Timothy 2:3

[6] 1 Corinthians 9:24-27