Faith,  Friendship,  Trust

Jesus Our Friend – John 15:15

No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.

Although the enemy of light taunts you in his desire to lure you off the path of righteousness and drag you into the swamp of spiritual paralysis or depression, ignore him.  Though he uses every means possible, be they people or circumstances, to deceive you into believing you have some inadequacy, turn away from him, and remain in the light.  Do not believe his lies, for nothing could be more untruthful.  Stand your ground, for you have a powerful and devoted Friend, who counts you among those welcome at His table. 

We, the friends of Jesus Christ, are new creations, righteous and holy, worthy to be the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit of God.[1]  We are members of the fellowship of believers,[2] having kindred spirits with the saints of old, and individually endowed with amazing gifts and remarkable talent.  We are children of God and joint heirs to the kingdom of heaven,[3] and are among those chosen to spend eternity in our Father’s holy city where He will walk among us.  We have seats of highest honor reserved for us at the royal feast of the King, the Lord God Almighty,[4] for His Majesty highly esteems us, and He has assured us that nothing can separate us from His love.[5] 

Understand your eternal value as a friend of Jesus Christ, and though denigration, rejection, or self-doubt may come, you will be able to stand fast in the assurance of who you are in Him.  If thoughts of worthlessness assail you, use the power you have through Jesus, and rebuke them in His name, demolishing them with the truth, for you are the light of the world and the salt of the earth.[6]  If feelings of hopelessness crush you, dismiss them, for your Father has built a wall of love about you, and He will not falter in His care for you. 

Jesus Christ is your Friend.  Therefore, walk with confidence, for your Friend has raised you up in glory, so you may see God’s splendor.  Rejoice in your holy and honored position in Him.  Stand fast in the liberty He has given you, and allow nothing to disturb your joy.  Raise your voice in a hallelujah song over your delight in knowing that the holy One of heaven Himself knows and loves you, and sing praises to God for giving you so dear and faithful a friend. 

“Is He the One?” the people whispered.
“He is the King,” the sun replied.
“Lift your eyes,” the heavens counseled.
“His radiance alights the skies.”

“What can I offer?” the poor man questioned.
“I have nothing I can give this king.”
“Just bring your heart,” the Father answered.
“He will accept the gift you bring.”

“Could He love me?” the traveler pondered.
“I am but a fallen, broken man.”
“I do,” declared the Lord of kindness.
“I did before the world began.”

[1] 2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:24, 1 Corinthians 3:16

[2] 1 Corinthians 12:13

[3] Romans 8:16-17

[4] Song of Solomon 2:4

[5] Romans 8:38-39

[6] Matthew 5:13-14