Courage,  Faith,  Hope,  Strength

Victory in Jesus – Isaiah 43:2

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you.

Trials should not surprise us, for our ever-faithful God has warned us that we will have many tribulations as we pursue holiness and purity.[1]  When we cry out to the Lord to search us, to know our hearts, and to show us our hidden sin that we may confess it and repent of it,[2] we can expect painful heart surgery to follow.  The Lord, faithful to honor our plea to make us like Him, will lead us ever further along the Highway of Holiness. 

While we do not desire pain or sorrow, we can endure it for the victory that awaits us.  Although challenges may arise on all fronts, distress need not overcome us because the Lord is the One who holds our hand, and He will keep His promise to satisfy our hunger and thirst for righteousness.[3]  Although we may pass through rivers and flames on our journey into the kingdom of God, our Lord will not allow us to drown or burn nor will He allow our trials to overwhelm us.  Rather He will make a way for us through the rising waters and flaming paths,[4] and He will give us hearts capable of rejoicing in the midst of the struggle.  Though we have nothing, we will possess all things.[5]  The joy of the Lord will be our strength[6] through dark tunnels, just as it is when we are standing on the edge of heaven with the sun beating down on our faces.  We not only will persevere, but we will thrive, being able to do that which He calls us to do, for He strengthens those who cling to Him.[7] Whatever fire you are walking through today, do not cringe in terror of the flames, for they will not consume you.  Do not grow weary in floodwaters, for they will not overtake you.  Put your faith in the Lord, trusting in Him, and praise Him in the heat of the blazing inferno and the swell of the raging river, for He is with you, before you, and behind you, protecting you, and loving you.  Allow Him to purify your heart as you seek His righteousness, and you will arrive at the kingdom’s gate victorious and joyful, as you enter in and behold the Lord God Almighty.[8]

Beside me,
The Lord has walked beside

Beside me in the valleys
Through thirsty, rough terrain
Through desert storms and driving rain
My Lord has walked beside me

Before me,
The Lord has gone before me

His highway stretching out ahead
He leads me in my exodus
That takes me through the wilderness
The Lord has gone before me

Behind me,
The Lord has stood behind me

As His shield protected me
I did not know a battle raged
For He Himself my foes engaged
As He stood behind me

Beside me,
The Lord is yet beside me

[1] Acts 14:21-22

[2] Psalm 139:23-24

[3] Matthew 5:6

[4] Isaiah 43:16

[5] 2 Corinthians 6:10

[6] Nehemiah 8:10

[7] Psalm 63:8

[8] Matthew 5:8