Forgiveness,  Freedom,  Grace,  Humility

Forgiving Ourselves – Psalm 130:3-4

If You, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared.

Apart from the grace of God, none could stand. 

Yet we who are in Christ do stand, for the Word of God assures us that when we confess our sins, our Father in heaven is not only faithful to forgive us, but also to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.[1]  But will we forgive ourselves?  We must, for we gain no benefit from languishing in despair because of past sins, and truly, our missteps are unimportant in an eternity where one day is like a thousand years and our Redeemer, the Most High God, is willing and able to redeem them.[2]  Rather than dwelling on our sins, we thrive when we forget what lies behind and press on toward a richer relationship with Jesus and a more valuable service to His kingdom.[3] 

Surely, we must confess our sins, and having confessed them, we must turn from our sinfulness and make whatever amends are necessary and possible, but with those things done, we need to move on, believing in God’s mercy and loving-kindness.  In spite of our failures, we can trust that God is on His throne and that He is calling us to receive His forgiveness, so we may live in His peace, reflect His glory, and serve His cause.

Look at Paul.  Even though his heart would condemn him for his sin, he understood that God, who is greater than his heart, knew him, and in knowing, loved and accepted him.[4]  If anyone should have despaired of his sinful past and declared himself unworthy to lead others into the kingdom, it was Paul, but he did not make himself useless for Christ.  While acknowledging his sin, he recognized that the saving, cleansing, and redeeming power of Jesus Christ made him worthy to serve the Lord of lords.  He did not squander God’s graciousness to him.  Rather he used his freedom to lift up Jesus Christ to the spiritually destitute.[5]

Do not allow self-condemnation to make you impotent for the cause of Christ.  If you have past sins long since confessed, forgive yourself just as your Father has forgiven you.  If you have unconfessed sin, confess it, and sin no longer.  Receive the forgiveness the Father offers you, and be free, for Jesus has paid your debt in full.  Thus freed, your heart will fly to the heavenly places where you, unchained from sin’s bondage by the mercy of our God through Jesus Christ, will be welcomed as a beloved member of the family of God.[6]

Fly, my heart, to glory’s throne
Freed of the weight that Jesus bears
Forget the sins that lie behind
Soar as one forgiven dares

To accept the Father’s grace
Unencumbered by the past
Confessed, forgiven, and redeemed
For you, my heart, are free at last

[1] 1 John 1:9

[2] Psalm 78:35

[3] Philippians 3:13-14

[4] 1 John 3:19-20

[5] 1 Corinthians 15:9-10

[6] Romans 8:14-16