Faith,  Hope

Burden for Souls – Matthew 24:40

Then there will be two men in the field; one will be taken and one will be left.

Jesus will come in the twinkling of an eye.

Do we live as if we believe it? We should. Do we feel urgency for the salvation of those who would remain behind if the Lord were to come tomorrow? We should. For none can say that the Lord will tarry a single day longer before His triumphant return, and today may be the last one granted to us as ambassadors for Christ to the person beside us.

If our burden for those who are without Christ is real, we will desire to tell them about His kingdom and Lordship. We will sanctify ourselves, praying without ceasing, allowing the Lord to prepare us for the opportunities He provides. We will desire to explain, with gentleness and reverence, the reason for the hope within us, so those upon whom our words fall may receive, through the Lord’s mercy and by His grace, the gift of faith in Jesus Christ.[1] We will take up the Lord’s solemn charge to be ready to share the Word of God in all seasons, preaching, rebuking, and exhorting with instruction and patience.[2]

As we fix our hope on the grace received through the revelation of Jesus Christ,[3] He will allow us to share His love with others. As we faithfully tell those who are sitting in darkness the Good News, the Lord will give us the privilege of leading them to the way, the truth, and the life, that they might come to the Father through Him and enter into eternal life.[4]

Therefore, as those who have received the assurance of an eternity with Jesus by grace through faith, our burden for those trapped in a dungeon of unbelief should be acute. Our joy should be in sharing the message that Jesus came to bring light into the darkness, so they might believe in Him and live in the light.[5] We should long for the lost to come to a comprehension of the truth that Christ desires to save them and raise them up with Him in the heavenly places.[6]

Feel an urgency to bring the Good News to the lost, so Jesus will not have to turn them away when after death they ask Him, “Take me with You.â€Â  While today is still called “today,†exhort them to turn to Him, our Lord and Savior, so they will not be shut out in the darkness when Jesus comes for His faithful.[7]

            It was quiet, but what did the quiet mean?

            He was strangely detached from the frantic scene

            Shaken, confused, somehow serene

            It was quiet, but what did the quiet mean?

            The street corner shone brilliant, although it was night

            Red flashes and spotlights flooding the sight

            Peace taking control, dispelling his fright

            Who extended His hand to the traveler that night?

            It was quiet, but what did the quiet mean?

            He looked down in horror at the bloody scene

            His body lay broken, he convulsed at the sight

            His mind screamed in horror, “What has happened tonight?”

            He approached the two men locked in embrace

            Pleading, “Take me away from this horrible place.”

            “I don’t know you,” sighed Jesus, “you cannot come with Me

            The city’s reserved for My family.”

            It was quiet, but what did the quiet mean?

[1] 1 Peter 3:15

[2] 2 Timothy 4:1-2

[3] 1 Peter 1:13

[4] Luke 1:76-79, John 14:6

[5] John 12:46

[6] Isaiah 42:7, Ephesians 2:4-8

[7] Matthew 7:22-23