Grace,  Obedience,  Peace

Listen – James 1:19b

Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.[1]

Mary sat at Jesus’ feet listening to Him.[2]  She laid aside the distractions of obligation, giving Him her full attention, refusing to allow even her sister’s displeasure to pull her away.  She chose the best part,[3] delighting in her Lord’s presence as a bride with her groom, rejoicing in His Word as one having found an invaluable treasure.[4]

We too, desiring this treasure, should sit as Mary sat, listening to Jesus, gaining instruction for abundant living, so we might grow in faithfulness, find life in Him, and partake of His divine nature.[5] For we acquire no spiritual riches by scurrying about, serving in Christ’s name if we are not listening, and in listening, hearing, and in hearing, obeying the Lord’s instructions to us through His Holy Spirit and His perfect Word of Truth. He has given us ears to hear,[6] but we must stop our toil and sit at His feet if we want to hear what He would say to us.  We cannot give Jesus partial attention, and expect Him to enlighten the eyes of our hearts enabling us to know Him in all of His glory and power.[7] Rather, we must go to Scripture and prayer eager to learn what our Lord would teach us.  We must incline our hearts to receive His truths and open our minds to follow where He leads.

As our bond of friendship with Jesus deepens, our Father will give us ever-expanding faith.[8]  He will grant us knowledge and understanding as we search for discernment,[9] so we may know the difference between good and evil, between the truth and lies.[10]  As we devote ourselves to His Son, He will give us sensitive hearts, so we may recognize kindness, and in recognizing it, prefer it to selfishness and disrespect.  While listening to our Lord, our hearts will burn within us as Jesus opens the riches of His kingdom to us, revealing the glory of our Father and granting us the joy of righteousness.[11]

Turn from the distractions of life, and calm your mind.  Quiet your heart, and listen, for Jesus desires to speak to you. In the exercise of His infinite love, limitless mercy, and amazing grace, He desires to pour out wisdom, understanding, and discernment before you. Go before your Lord, and receive His gracious words of life, which will make you whole.

Listen to Jesus, and by understanding the depth of His promises, you will gain an enduring hope.[12]

Listen, whether strong or weak

Listen who in hunger seek

   Listen, God is calling

Listen to the stars

   Calling out His name

As the sun and moon

   His faithfulness proclaim

      Listen, God is calling

Listen to the lilies

   Singing forth His praise

Listen to the cheers

   Of forest, hills, and glades

Listen to the mountains roar

To the eagles as they soar

To sounds of worship from the seas

   Listen, each who lives and breathes

      Listen, God is calling

[1] New International Version

[2] Luke 10:39

[3] Luke 10:42

[4] Psalm 119:162

[5] Proverbs 8:34-35, 2 Peter 1:4

[6] Mark 4:23

[7] Ephesians 1:18-19

[8] James 1:5

[9] Proverbs 2:3-6

[10] 1 Kings 3:9

[11] Luke 24:32

[12] Hebrews 6:17-19