High Places of Sin – Deuteronomy 12:3
You shall tear down their altars and smash their sacred pillars and burn their Asherim with fire, and you shall cut down the engraved images of their gods and obliterate their name from that place.
Examine your heart, and consider what you find hiding in its recesses. Is Jesus sitting in majesty upon its throne, as light streams in through its windows, flowing into its corners, and warming its hallways? Does your search confirm that you have been faithful to love the Lord your God and to have no other gods before you?[1] Does your scrutiny uncover no trace of the high places of sin, which you tore down when you invited the King of heaven and earth to reside with you?
Surely, we own no graven images of gold or silver, nor have we bowed before a deity shaped with human hands, but what about the gods of the heart? Do we lust after money and possessions? Do we worship power, fame, and pleasure? Are we disobeying our Father’s commands by indulging in forbidden passions, fantasies, and perversion?
Although we may unearth that which we desire to keep buried, we need not fear what our examination reveals. God already knows our transgressions, public and hidden,[2] and we are foolish if we think we can continue in sin without detection or consequence.[3] Blatant, habitual sin always demands a heavy price, for while it may seem sweet and give momentary pleasure, its companions are devastation and death.[4] Sin destroys us while making us useless to serve the Lord. Therefore, rejoice in its exposure, for truth is more desirable than deception; life is better than death. The truth sets us free,[5] and when we ask God to deliver us from sin’s grip, He will be faithful to cleanse us for all unrighteousness.[6]
If you have allowed sin to push Jesus from the throne of your heart, awake, arise from the dead, and cast it out in Jesus’ name, so He will shine within you.[7] With eyes enlightened by God’s grace, consider the beauty of a life filled with Jesus rather than with sin. Tear down your high places, and smash your idols. Turn from the darkness toward the Light, and have no fear for the Light is where the lover of God has joy and freedom.
Allow the Sunrise from on high to stream into your heart. Allow Jesus to shine in you, and as He washes away your sins and guides your feet in the way of peace, His light will warm you and His power will make you whole.[8]
[1] Exodus 20:3, 5
[2] Psalm 90:8
[3] Galatians 6:7
[4] Proverbs 9:17-18
[5] John 8:32
[6] 1 John 1:9
[7] Ephesians 5:14
[8] Luke 1:77-79