Humility,  Rebellion

Atheism – Psalm 19:1-2

The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.  Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.

Those who say, “There is no God,” will stand on the Day of Judgment without excuse, for God’s invisible attributes, eternal power, and divine nature have been in clear view since the world’s creation for those willing to acknowledge them.[1] The argument that God and extraordinary events explainable only as occurring through divine intervention do not exist is incredibly irrational when made by one dwelling in a human body of incalculable intricacy and living on a planet of breathtaking beauty.

Yet atheists choose to believe that the heavens and earth, the sea and all that is in them were set in motion by a big bang or some other spontaneous, yet serendipitous, event. They choose to accept the unimaginable as familiarly analogized by a twister that raged through a junkyard producing an operational 747 aircraft out of the millions of bits and pieces it tossed into the air, and then proceeding through a print shop, leaving as the happy result of the paper blizzard of written words an annotated King James Bible.[2]

I once heard that a prominent atheist responded when asked how he and others could believe the magnificent perfection of creation was randomly generated rather than created by a Creator, “We would rather believe the unbelievable, than accept the unacceptable.”[3] In other words, “We will not bow before a Holy God.  We will not give up the reins to our hearts and accept that there is a Rock that is higher than we.”[4] Unrestrained control over their actions is more important to them than eternal life. Blinded by arrogance, atheists refuse to acknowledge that, in the end, every person will bow, and every tongue will profess allegiance to the Lord.[5]

Pray that while there is yet time the Lord will open the eyes of those blinded by arrogance and rebellion to see His glory and hear the praise of the heavens. Pray that those sitting in darkness might come to believe that God is who He says He is and that there is no other,[6] and in believing, receive Jesus Christ as Lord and enter into His salvation.[7]

            From the day He died, man has tried

            To suppress the risen King

            Ruled by lust for money, greed, and pride

            They would to Him no honor bring

Some proclaimed Him dead, while others said

            That He never lived at all

            Thus denying He who by His Word

            Did create this mighty ball

            And their hatred burned, as the Word they spurned

            Calling it a mockery

            Merely written by a band of men

            Who indulged their fantasy

            But the Lord holds the universe

            In the palm of His hand

            While man’s treasures so precious

            Shall become as the sand

            He was there when the foundations

            Of the earth were laid

            He’ll be there when philosophers

            Call out from the grave

            Undaunted, unchallenged, victorious He’ll come

            To righteously rule as heralded King

            Judging each person for the deeds he has done

            As all bow before Him, their allegiance to bring

[1] Romans 1:20

[2] Unknown

[3] Unknown

[4] Psalm 61:2

[5] Isaiah 45:23

[6] Isaiah 45:22

[7] 1 Peter 1:3-9