Humility,  Obedience,  Peace,  Suffering,  Trust

Brokenness – Psalm 31:12

I am forgotten as a dead man, out of mind; I am like a broken vessel.

Though we would desire to escape it, we cannot, for each of us will experience brokenness in this life.

Whether through heart-wrenching betrayal, severed relationships, debilitating illness, tragic loss, or unfulfilled dreams, we will all know brokenness and the emotions that accompany it: pain, anger, rejection, sorrow, fear, and confusion. How then can we endure? How can we live in abiding joy when others disappoint us, our anger deceives us, our bodies fail us, and circumstances break our hearts?

In all of heaven and earth, we will find but one answer, for only through the love of Jesus will we receive hope and strength to endure, and not only to endure, but to do so with joyful anticipation of the blessed life, which He promises to us. With love, our Lord reaches out and lifts us out of the pit of discontent and despair, setting our feet upon the safety of the imperishable, unsinkable Rock.[1] He replaces our mournful dirge with a new song, a song of praise for our God.[2] In His loving-kindness, He shines His face upon us, and by His mercy, He saves us.[3]

If we ask in faith, the Lord will heal our hearts over that which was broken and lost, and He will give us faith to accept that which we will not understand until we meet Him face to face. He will give us wisdom,[4] so we, upon seeing our circumstances through spiritual eyes, will draw close to Him and enter into the fullness of His joy.[5] He will teach us about the freedom of forgiveness, the road to reconciliation, the beauty of a life dedicated to Him, and a hope that perseveres in spite of trials and loss.

Most of us will feel like a shattered clay jar at some point in our lives, possibly many times, but we need not despair. For we know the Master Potter, the One who will tenderly accept the shards of our brokenness and remold us into a beautiful and useful vessel, one worthy to serve Him and able to bring Him glory.[6]

Lay down your broken heart before the throne of grace. Make it your offering to the King of kings, for He desires no other.  Seek refuge in Him, your rock, your fortress, your stronghold, your strength,[7] and He will welcome you into His presence. He will embrace you, protect you, comfort you, heal you, and restore you, making that which was broken once again beautiful and whole.

Shattered, like a broken clay pot

The shards of my heart

Lay scattered

Battered! All my hopes and dreams

Blown away with the wind

Torn, tattered

No hands can form the thousand bits

Into a living whole

No thread can stitch this ragged heap

To revive my soul

But Jesus, only Jesus can

Gather all the shredded parts

And mold them, oh, so beautifully

Into a joy-filled heart

[1] Psalm 40:2

[2] Psalm 33:1-3

[3] Psalm 31:16

[4] James 1:5-6

[5] Psalm 16:11

[6] Isaiah 64:8

[7] Psalm 31:1-5