Love,  Obedience,  Peace

Jealousy – Ezekiel 36:25-26

Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols.  Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.  I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances.

Jealousy’s all-consuming ambition is to leave us destitute of joy. Plenteous blessings are not able to protect us from its ravages, for our happiness and peace will fly away with the news of another’s good fortune if we indulge in it.

Consider Haman, the highest official in King Ahasuerus royal court. His elation over having been an honored guest of Queen Esther evaporated when he considered Mordecai. His jealousy, proving itself a cruel slave master, ruined the party he called to exalt himself before his wife and friends. For after boasting about his wealth, children, honor, and high position, he added, “But this is all worth nothing as long as I see Mordecai the Jew just sitting there at the palace gate.”[1]

With the same vicious intention to destroy its hosts, jealousy set the commissioners and satraps of Babylon on a fatal course when it burned inside them because King Darius planned to appoint Daniel over the entire kingdom. After they learned the King was going to elevate Daniel, their positions of power and influence no longer satisfied them.  As jealousy flamed their discontent and treachery, it led them into a plot against Daniel that proved disastrous for them and their families.[2]

Our God, desiring our abundant life, amazing joy, and incomprehensive peace, wants us to be free from the idol of jealousy’s death grip.[3]  Having turned our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh when we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, the Father desires our lives to reflect the gentleness and goodness of wisdom rather than the disorder and evil jealousy brings.[4]  Rather than the cancer of jealousy, He wants us to have tranquil hearts, which lead to health and well-being.[5]

Consider your response to news of another’s fabulous good fortune, and if you find jealousy accompanies it, reject this robber of your peace and joy outright.  Heed the Lord’s command against coveting what others have,[6] and allow Jesus to wash away jealousy’s scarlet stain, leaving you with a pure and kind spirit.  As the Lord continues His perfecting work within you,[7] learn to rejoice in other’s blessings and wait patiently upon Him for the desires of your heart.[8]  Draw near to the Lord, and as He draws near to you,[9] He will refresh you with His love.  He will cleanse you from unrighteousness and destructiveness, renewing your heart until only love remains.

Desire the well-being of others out of your love for them, and you will gain a source of enduring happiness as you join in the celebration of the Lord’s graciousness to His beloved.

            Who would I be without You, Lord?

               I shutter even to think

                  Caught deep in a cycle of life without cheer

                  Imprisoned by jealousy, hatred, and fear

            Where would I be without You, Lord?

               Who would have carried me through

                  Painful, long nights and heartbreaking years

                  Hopelessly struggling, surrounded by fears

            How could I live without You, Lord?

               Blinded, unable to see

                  My need of a Savior, the plight of my soul

                  Wandering through life, not counting the toll

            I’ll never again be without You, Lord!

               Your touch forever revived

                  A spiritual hunger fulfilled only in You

                  I enter Your presence, reborn, made anew



[1] Esther 5:9-13

[2] Daniel 6:1-24

[3] Ezekiel 8:3

[4] James 3:12-16

[5] Proverbs 14:30

[6] Deuteronomy 5:21

[7] Philippians 1:6

[8] Psalm 37:7

[9] James 4:8