Encouragement,  Faith

Complete in Christ – Colossians 1:28

We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ.

Jesus, our compassionate Lord, is our beginning, our end, and all that lies between. He, being all we need and having provided everything necessary for life and godliness,[1] is our All in All, our Healer, Teacher, Provider, and Sanctifier.  For His glory and to our delight, Jesus, our Savior, is making us complete.  He is instructing us in the Word while maturing us, so we can abide in it.  Though we were lost, Jesus found us. Though we were dead in our transgressions, Jesus forgave us, making us holy, blameless, and beyond reproach.[2]  Though we were weak and afraid, Jesus is making us strong and courageous.[3]

Loneliness cannot take hold of us, for whether in solitude or in a crowd, Jesus, having become our constant companion, is with us.[4] Shame and guilt cannot assault us, for He has declared us pure and righteous, having granted us a full pardon according to His mercy.[5] Rejection cannot taunt us, for our Savior, Brother, and Friend accepts us as we are without reproach.[6] Fear cannot paralyze us, for our God, who surrounds us like a fortress, strengthens the bars of our gates to prevent our foes from entering and to keep us from harm.[7] Inadequacy cannot hamstring us for we are fully equipped to serve the cause of Christ with dignity, honor, and usefulness.[8]  Want cannot consume us and fatigue cannot overtake us, for He satisfies and refreshes us.[9]

Stand up straight with your shoulders back and your head held high, bearing the assurance of your completeness in Jesus Christ, and face the world with conviction and joy, knowing that your Father in heaven sees you as pure and holy, altogether lovely in His sight. Clap your hands in celebration for He is pouring grace, wisdom, steadfastness, and holiness into you through His Word, His Spirit, and His people. Sing for joy for you are extravagantly loved by a Savior so intimately involved with you that He is the dew that waters you and causes you to blossom, full, fragrant, and lovely, like the lilies of the field, allowing you to take root and grow mighty and strong, like the cedars of Lebanon.[10]

Believer, dress in the fine white linen of Christ’s righteousness, and live in His fullness as one whose broken pieces He has fitted together.  Walk with Him wherever He leads you, and serve Him with gladness, praising His name, for He has made you complete and perfect, worthy to abide with Him.[11

Like dew sent down from heaven

Bringing blossoms, fragrant, full

To dry and wilting lilies

Is the Savior to my soul

Like waters flowing

    through the rocks

To root a lone, unlikely tree

Whose sprout survives

    both drought and wind

Is my Father’s love to me


[1] 2 Peter 1:3

[2] Colossians 1:21-22

[3] Psalm 138:3

[4] Matthew 28:20

[5] Hebrews 8:12, Romans 8:1

[6] Acts 5:31, Mark 3:35, John 15:15

[7] Psalm 147:13

[8] 2 Timothy 2:21

[9] Jeremiah 31:25

[10] Hosea 14:5

[11] Hebrews 13:20-21