Encouragement,  Friendship,  Humility,  Love

Growing Together – Proverbs 27:17

Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Sparks fly or ambers simmer, and we are convinced that our lives would be more beautiful without that one brother or sister in Christ with whom we struggle to get along. Anger arises in our heart when this person speaks, and we likewise cause offense when we open our mouths.

If this touches dangerously close to one of your relationships, rejoice! For the differences between the two of you offer a soul-changing opportunity for growth as you lay down your life for Christ and place the other person’s welfare above yours. In obedience to the Lord’s instruction, welcome the chance to love those whom you see as unlovable.  For by remembering that our omnipotent heavenly Father not only holds the universe in His hands but is also personally involved in the details of our lives, we will find loving is not so difficult.  Knowing that God is in total control and no person crosses our path by happenstance sheds a new light on our relationships.[1]  Our hearts should be gladdened in knowing that God specifically allows various difficulties to build our character and mature us spiritually. For our Father, who desires us to grow in grace and to receive the fullness of His provision,[2] uses our struggle to love for His good purposes, though our own reasoning may tell us that love is impossible.

Just as our Father has unconditionally loved us,[3] we are to love others unconditionally, preserving unity within the body of Christ,[4] growing together with those who sharpen us like iron sharpening iron.  In so doing, we will learn how precious is the oil of loving-kindness upon the head of those who walk in a bond of peace and fellowship with their brothers and sisters whom the Lord has granted them the privilege of loving.[5]

Trust God with the people you find hard to love.  Conduct yourself in a praiseworthy manner, displaying Christlike humility and treating each person, even the ones who severely try your soul, with patience, understanding, and generosity of spirit, showing respect to all, including those with whom you clash.  Love others without reserve, persevering in building harmonious, sympathetic, and supportive relationships, allowing the Holy Spirit full reign over your heart, and you will bring honor and glory to the Lord by your peaceable, gentle demeanor.[6]


[1] James 1:2-3

[2] James 1:4

[3] Jeremiah 31:3

[4] Ephesians 4:1-3

[5] Psalm 133:1-2

[6] 1 Peter 3:8, Philippians 2:1-2