Faith,  Forgiveness,  Trust

Forgiveness of Our Sins – Lamentations 3:22-23

The Lord’s loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.

Be of good cheer, oh my soul, for the Lord’s immutable promise of compassion that never fails and forgiveness that never ends. Be strengthened and encouraged, oh my heart, and desert me not in this walk of sanctification, for the Lord will create yet another fresh day tomorrow as the sun rises and shines its warmth upon His people, restoring us with its light.

Beautiful and wholesome, we stand before our Lord who, having forgiven our offenses sees us through eyes of grace.  As those covered by the saving blood of Jesus Christ, we have no need to participate in flagellation or self-recrimination. We need not wallow in the failures and sins of yesterday nor feel unworthy to come once again to the throne of the Most High God to confess the same unholy behavior, unloving action, unkind thought, angry response, and unforgiving heart condition that we have confessed innumerable times in the past. Rather, we can approach our heavenly Father trusting Him to receive us with a tenderness and love greater than the devotion any earthly father could show to his beloved child.

For in His loving-kindness, the Lord has created a way to rescue us. Though our sins are as scarlet, Jesus made them as white as snow when we received salvation and redemption by our faith in Him.[1] Having had our adoption papers finalized, we can rest in our Father’s faithfulness to continue His sanctifying work within us and to bring us ever nearer to Him as we confess our transgressions and turn from our unrighteousness.[2] We can trust in His assurance to sprinkle us with clean water, so we will be clean, for He will cleanse us from our filthiness and turn us away from our idols.[3]

Live as one whom Jesus has forgiven all. Confess your transgressions daily, repenting of them, and cast off their weight, accepting the Lord’s forgiveness.  Joyfully receive the exceeding abundance of a love that never ceases, of a faithfulness that knows no end, and of a compassion that will not disappoint. Rejoice in the Lord’s forgiveness, for though you will fail Him, He will not fail you, nor will He despair in having brought you into His family.  Rest assured in the One who loved you before the world began, in the One who is continuing to perfect you.[4]

When I reflect on my sin,

I’m engulfed with despair

For my weakness is greater

Than my spirit can bear

In reviewing the promises, 

Resolutions I’ve made

To be broken, discarded,

Cast off and betrayed

I would wallow in pity

For this poor, worthless child

Who strays from Christ’s glory

Though by Love reconciled

Were it not for His mercy,

Kindness, affection

As He gently continues

His work of perfection

For a hope beyond reason

A joy for tomorrow

A vision of heaven

Our home above sorrow

[1] Isaiah 1:18

[2] Psalm 65:3-4

[3] Ezekiel 36:25

[4] Philippians 1:6