Suffering,  Trust,  Truth

Speaking the Truth – Ephesians 4:15

But speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ.

“Confrontation, yikes, give us harmony,” we cry.

We want no part of unpleasantness.  Kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience are taking their rightful places in our hearts, for Christ is transforming us, and He is implanting in us the desire, above all things, to put on love.[1]  As we take on the beauty of His character, He is bringing us into deep friendships and rich relationships, and His peace is gaining dominion over us.  Superiority is falling away.  As we commit to honoring His instructions for righteous living, we find ourselves naturally striving to preserve unity in the body of Christ by accepting our brothers and sisters as they are[2] and by refusing to judge them for what they are not.[3]  With gladness and joy, we bind ourselves together, gaining true Christian fellowship as our reward.  Warmth abounds, the bond of love grows strong, and we delight in the cheery state of harmony that ensues.

How then shall we respond when we see a friend in Christ setting out on a torturous and fatal road of blatant and persistent sin?  Will we be faithful to consider another’s welfare as more important than our comfort and tranquility?[4]  Will we have the courage to speak the truth in love?

If we are devoted to the Truth, we must, for love without truth is no love at all.  We cannot blithely go along our way without appealing, in loving-kindness and out of concern, to our fellow Christian to put aside sin and to turn back in devotion to the truest and most faithful of friends, Jesus Christ.  We can serve those we care about no better than to tell them the truth, wrapped in affectionate concern, softened by tenderheartedness.  To do otherwise is a grave unkindness, for the truth spoken by a friend, though it pierces the heart, is far better than the kisses of one who does not care enough to intervene on a friend’s behalf.[5]

When you see another straying off the Highway of Holiness, pray, earnestly seek the Lord’s counsel to discern how you might serve your Lord and your friend in the matter.  If the Lord sends you to confront and plea for the cause of Christ, go in love.  Gently, compassionately, speak the truth, fearing not the consequences, leaving the outcome to the Author of truth, trusting Him to honor your obedience by bringing the one who would stray back from the land of the enemy.[6]

[1] Colossians 3:12-14

[2] Ephesians 4:1-3

[3] Matthew 7:1

[4] Philippians 2:3-4

[5] Proverbs 27:6

[6] Jeremiah 31:16