Grace,  Obedience

Into the World – John 17:18

As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.


As the rising sun shines brighter and brighter through us, as the love of Jesus burns hotter and hotter within us,[1] we become increasingly useful vessels in His service.  As we seek pure hearts and steadfast spirits, so no cloud hides His light and no damper holds back His love,[2] we become better equipped to follow Jesus’ instruction to, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”[3]

He sends us out in His love, cautioning us to keep watch over our hearts, for although we are to serve Him in the world, we are not to be of the world.[4]  Rather, we are to stand apart in godliness, separating ourselves from darkness, keeping ourselves pure and holy, as Christ is pure and holy.  [5]

Too often, we get it backwards.  We delight in the fellowship of Christ’s people, demonstrating genuine piety and godliness in their company.  However, as we go daily about our secular business, our behavior may be hard to differentiate from those who have yet to come into the salvation of Christ.  For if we have not shunned impure activities and ceased unholy behavior, we allow association with the world to pollute our hearts, hinder our prayers, and cast a shadow over our light.

These things need not be.  Rather, by the empowering grace that falls upon us from heaven like a driving rain when we guard our hearts and pray that we might know the Lord more closely, He will give us His passion for those yet to be reconciled to the Father.  Though we rightly thrive in our churches and flourish through our friendship with those with whom we are like-minded in our desire to obey His leading and follow His example, Jesus instructs us to go out, seeking lost souls in the hope of introducing them to our risen Savior.  Our desire to glorify God should compel us to live commendably, guarding our integrity as we walk among the lost, conducting ourselves, not in the manner of the unwise, but of the wise.[6]

Christian, your calling is high, but do not despair over your inadequacy to achieve it, for the Lord will lead you ever higher, so though you walk on the earth, you will live above the clouds apart from the world with Him.  Therefore, go into the streets and marketplaces, clothed in Christ’s righteousness and shining in the light of Jesus in the hope that others will comprehend the truth and come into our Lord’s beautiful salvation.

[1] Proverbs 4:18

[2] Psalm 51:10-13

[3] Matthew 28:19

[4] John 17:16

[5] 2 Corinthians 7:1

[6] Ephesians 5:15