What is Good – Micah 6:8
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Learned scholars strive to understand heaven’s mysteries, but we need not depend on their revelations to know what is good in God’s sight. He tells us plainly in His Word that He considers it good when His people, by the enlightening grace of the Holy Spirit and revelation of Jesus Christ, do what is right, stand for what is just,[1] and having risen to a high and holy place by the Spirit,[2] walk in humility with Him.[3] Blessed are those who heed His teaching.
No blessing awaits those who walk in darkness while shaking their fists at whatsoever is praiseworthy. Ignoring the Spirit’s guidance, they walk according to their own desires, thinking they can fool God with a semblance of holiness. However, the Lord will not accept their defense for arrogantly refusing to follow His instructions when they plead, “We never knew what You required of us.” The Lord made clear from the beginning that He does not desire sacrifice, nor does He require offerings. Rather, those, who having written His Word on the tablet of their hearts, who call Him Lord and delight in doing His will, please Him.[4]
The extravagance of our tithes and gifts are of no consequence if we have not embraced the salvation of Jesus Christ and allowed Him to give us new hearts, so we might stand in righteousness before the Father. For God looks at the heart, seeking fellowship with those who, having been reconciled to Him through Christ, love Him and keep His commandments.[5] He sees through a loyalty that is as vaporous as a morning cloud, disappearing in the light of day, but He takes pleasure in those who walk closely beside Him in steadfastness and faithfulness, seeking a deeper knowledge of Him.[6]
If you desire to please the Lord, do what He requires of you and embrace what He finds good. Walk quietly with Him in obedience to His will and follow the Holy Spirit as He teaches you how to live righteously.[7] Allow the Lord to shape your character, so the natural outpouring of your faithfulness will be a life of justice, kindness, and humility. Take on these qualities for they are highly esteemed by the Lord our God, and He, taking delight in you, will grant you the highest honor as the betrothed of the King.[8]
[1] Isaiah 56:1, 1:17
[2] Isaiah 57:15
[3] Matthew 5:5
[4] Psalm 40:6-8
[5] Deuteronomy 30:16
[6] Hosea 6:1, 6
[7] Deuteronomy 10:12-13, Psalm 4:5
[8] Hosea 2:19-20