Incapacitating Fear – Matthew 14:30
But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!”
Though the storm rages, the gale winds blow, and the waves swell, we need not allow fear to cripple us. Instead of sinking into the rising sea, we can continue along our way with courage if we will put our trust in the Lord who abides with us,[1] and who promises to help us.[2]
As we walk according to the Lord’s statutes and keep His commandments, we will not tremble in fear though terrors abound, for we will know in the deepest depths of our souls that the Lord will protect us and guard us in all our undertakings, from today throughout eternity.[3] With our eyes set on Jesus and our hope fixed in Him, we will be emboldened with courage. As we trust that He will not allow anything into our lives except that which He will use for our ultimate good, we will be fortified with the strength needed to meet life’s vicissitudes and imbued with joy and peace.[4] As we believe the immutable and infallible Word of God, which testifies to us that He who cares for the sparrows cares infinitely more for the details of our lives,[5] we will walk in confidence, not fear.
Living inside the towering walls of the Lord’s provision, we will not find ourselves incapacitated by risky and uncertain events, as were the Israelites, who upon hearing of the strong nations and fortified cities in the Promised Land, rebelled against the Lord and missed out on the blessings laid before them.[6] Rather than allowing fear to make us impotent, we will face the challenges and opportunities of life with our heads held high, and we will delight in pleasing God by taking what He has given to us and multiplying it for His kingdom. As those loved by the mighty God who reigns over all the heavens and earth,[7] we need cede fear no territory. Rather, when we stand on the firm foundation of God’s unchanging, unfaltering love for us, His love will perfect us, and since perfect love casts out all fear, fear will have no power over us.[8]
Do not allow fear to keep you from doing all that the Lord has called you to do. Take on a spirit of love and power, for God, through His indwelling Holy Spirit, has filled you with them, not with timidity and fear.[9] Trust the Lord to lead you, and as you walk with confidence in God’s love, you will feel His presence and He will empower you to achieve extraordinary things for His glory.[10]
Soar with Me on eagles’ wing
Hallelujah chorus sing
Alight upon the morning star
Observe My glory near and far
And though your circumstance belies
The joy and peace My love supplies
Abide with Me above the fray
Trust Me on your blackest day
Depend on Me your Sword and Shield
And every care and trial yield
For you were made to soar with Me
Beautiful, vibrant, and free
[1] Haggai 2:5
[2] Exodus 14:13-14
[3] Leviticus 26:3-6, Psalm 121:8
[4] Psalm 31:24
[5] Matthew 10:29-31
[6] Numbers 13:28-14:1
[7] 1 John 3:1
[8] 1 John 4:17-18
[9] 2 Timothy 1:7
[10] Hebrews 11:30-34