Sacred Trust – I Thessalonians 2:4
But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who examines our hearts.
Knowing Jesus Christ is our glorious privilege, and sharing the Good News that He gives eternal life to those who welcome Him as Lord and Savior is our sacred trust.
Jesus bestowed this trust upon us, and if we desire to please Him, we will discharge it in faith and with honor. We will prove ourselves worthy of it by allowing purity and righteousness to reign over us. We will shun the temptation to pervert the Gospel in an attempt to make it more palatable, thereby, currying favor with those who refuse to submit themselves to a holy God. We will protect our hearts against sin and refuse to compromise the truth of the Lord’s plan for redemption, salvation, reconciliation, restoration, and sanctification.[1] We will share the Word in integrity, neither adding to it, nor taking away from it. We will keep ourselves from the trouble that falls on those who embellish Christ’s message and preserve our connection to the Tree of Life by refusing to remove a single word from it.[2]
As Jesus’ chosen minister to the world, don the raiment of His emissary, and embrace His commission to carry the gospel to the lost.[3] In faith and by grace, fulfill the sacred trust He granted to you when He counted you worthy and useful to spread His message of light to those living in darkness.[4] Prove yourself faithful to the honor Jesus granted to you and take His promise of salvation to the places He sends you. In joy, share the reason for the hope within you with those who will listen. Follow where the Lord leads, while expecting the Holy Spirit to prepare the hearts of those upon whom the seeds of your witness will fall. Trust that just as the rain from heaven brings forth new life, so shall the perfect Word of God accomplish His holy purposes.[5]
Trustee to the message of the Kingdom, ground your words in truth and lace them with love. Make service to Jesus Christ your highest goal, and rejoice with the heavens as your eyes behold the miracle of rebirth among those who had been lost.[6]
[1] 2 Timothy 1:9
[2] Revelation 22:18-19
[3] Mark 16:15
[4] 1 Timothy 1:11-12
[5] Isaiah 55:10-11
[6] Luke 15:7