Vain Glory – Esther 5:9
Then Haman went out that day glad and pleased of heart; but when Haman saw Mordecai in the king’s gate and that he did not stand up or tremble before him, Haman was filled with anger against Mordecai.
Considering his riches, numerous sons, and position of honor as the king’s most trusted and noble prince, one would have expected Haman to have been happy, but he was not, for his enormous pride and veracious desire for glory consumed him. Thus puffed up with himself, he started down the dangerous path of vengeance when Mordecia dared to refuse to bow down before him, and not even his plentiful blessings could assuage his wrath. By succumbing to his lust for glory, he sealed his doom,[1] for those who take direction from their pride rather than listening to the Word of the Lord assure their own dishonor and destruction.[2]
Though rarely so violently, we too suffer, some to the point of physical or spiritual death, at the hands of our pride when we nurture it. Having experienced or imagined some abuse, we allow pride to rupture a friendship, to drive us to unprofitable actions, or to stir up resentment to the detriment of our health. Once having given pride residence in our hearts, we allow it to plot revenge and to instruct us. Sacrificing all at its altar to our peril, we give another the cold shoulder, angrily provoke a confrontation, whisper a disparaging word, or perform some other unrighteous deed. For the foot of pride chokes those it stamps upon,[3] driving them into slavery and darkness, separating them from the One who calls them into His marvelous light.[4]
Gloriously richer and immeasurably happier are those who cut pride off at its first invitation to join it in anger and clamor. Therefore, the next time it vies for your attention, tell it that you choose to inherit the earth[5] rather than dwell in the hellhole of isolation from God it has prepared for you. When tempted, refuse to enter into a prideful response, for those who walk in humility before the Lord have abundant life. They know no hunger or thirst, but rather they drink at the river of the Lord’s delights.[6]
[1] Esther 7:3-10
[2] Proverbs 18:12
[3] Psalm 36:11
[4] 1 Peter 2:9
[5] Matthew 5:5
[6] Psalm 36:8