Humility,  Obedience

Superiority – 1 Corinthians 4:7

For who regards you as superior?  What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?

Christians, not being exempt from temptation and sin, may find themselves treading on the pathway of arrogance and contempt for others, especially if they have attained a modicum of wealth, education, authority, position, or fame.  Feelings of superiority over those they deem average or anonymous encamp in the heart of the one who travels this road.  Pride encourages, “You are impressive.”  Like-minded people flatter, “You have achieved much.”  The enemy taunts, “Why demean yourself by crude associations.  You are above ordinary people.”

However, amidst the clamor, the voice of Truth speaks directly to the soul, “If you can receive nothing unless it is given to you by God,[1] why do you act as if your success is of your own making?”

Listen to the Truth.  Shun destroyers and liars, whose passion is to trample on your witness for Christ.  Tell them that you will not be deceived into thinking more highly of yourself than you ought.[2]  Rather than wasting time on delusional thoughts of your own grandeur, allow yourself to be a willing and holy instrument in the Lord’s hands, so you might exercise the gifts your loving Father has entrusted to you for His glory and for the building up of His church.[3]  Be faithful to use, in righteousness, the abundant blessings God has provided to you[4] even as you increase your savings in heaven’s vaults.  Instead of snubbing those whom you formerly considered beneath your interest, stand beside them in generosity of spirit, cheering for them to employ the special gifts the Father has appointed to them, loving them and holding them in high esteem, just as Christ loves and highly esteems you.

Remember that you are who you are by the grace of God.  Therefore, clothe yourself in Christ’s beauty and adorn yourself in His humility.  Seize the opportunities the Lord gives you to perform a holy ministry of kindness and encouragement to others, for your fellow Christians are one in Christ with you.[5]  Let the light of Jesus within you shine, for those who do not know Christ need desperately to see Christ’s love and compassion shining though you, drawing them to the Light, the Lord Himself.

Regard yourself as superior to no man or woman; rather humble yourself and bow before the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.[6]

[1] John 3:27

[2] Romans 12:3

[3] Romans 12:6-8

[4] 1 Peter 4:10

[5] Galatians 3:27-28

[6] Ephesians 3:14-15