Our Provider – Matthew 6:11
Give us this day our daily bread.
In 21st century America, many cannot relate to a prayer for daily bread. For those of us with bulging waistlines, it would seem more appropriate that our prayers should be for better self-control in the midst of overflowing grocery shelves and a multiplicity of restaurant choices. Yet, we should not forget from whence comes our abundance.[1]
When we consider our heavenly Father’s kindness toward us, acknowledging that He is the Provider of our daily sustenance and that through Him we have even the barest of life’s necessities, our appreciation for Him should drive us to our knees in thanksgiving.[2] As we pray a simple prayer for the new day’s provision, we offer our gratitude for God’s faithfulness and demonstrate a childlike dependence that opens the door to the blessings of heaven for us.[3] Moreover, as we humble ourselves in prayer for everything that affects our lives, including the food we eat, we are following Jesus’ teaching not to take our blessings for granted, but rather to bring our needs before the Creator of the universe.
As we pray, “Give us,” we assume a deep familiarity, a close fellowship that permits us to ask the majestic King of kings unabashedly for our needs. Our adoption into His family removes the fear of rejection and negates any requirement for introductions or long justifications since we come into the tabernacle to speak with our loving, tenderhearted Father,[4] confident in His kindness and generosity toward us. Assured that our Father knows what we need before we ask, we need not go into long recitations detailing our circumstances.[5] Trusting that God hears our prayers and answers us, we pray in obedience, asking for today’s bread without taking thought for tomorrow since tomorrow will take care of itself.[6] We ask for what we require to sustain and protect us rather than desiring riches lest in our abundance and self-satisfaction we forget that all we have comes from God’s hand.[7]
Do not neglect Jesus’ instruction to pray daily for the Father’s provision. Start your day with a simple prayer similar to the one offered in Matthew 6, asking your Father to protect you, forgive you, and provide for you. Believe in God’s unwavering faithfulness, and you will always be well satisfied, for He, who delights in giving abundantly to His children, will not disappoint you.[8]
[1] Psalm 121:1-2
[2] Psalm 95:2
[3] Mark 10:14-15
[4] John 1:12-13
[5] Matthew 6:7-8
[6] Matthew 6:34
[7] Proverbs 30:8-9
[8] Zechariah 10:1