Bad Day – Psalm 31:22
As for me, I said in my alarm, “I am cut off from before Your eyes”; nevertheless You heard the voice of my supplications when I cried to You.
Earlier in my Christian walk, I would occasionally have a terribly bad day. At times provoked by some concern and at others coming seemingly out of nowhere, gloom would alight upon me. I would awake feeling that the heavens were crashing upon the earth. All appeared dark and the Lord’s promises seemed distant. I felt lost and forsaken, discouraged with life and afraid for the future. I longed for wings like a dove to fly away from my distress.[1]
As I traveled along the Highway of Holiness, growing in spiritual maturity, I gained insight into my doldrums. I realized that even though I felt grave disquietude within me, the earth was still spinning on its axis, the stars remained in the sky, the oceans stayed within their boundaries, and the sun would indeed rise with the new day to restore my hope and joy, to bathe my soul in its warmth. I began to observe my emotions as if they were trapping me in an eddy, and I could see that I needed only to relax and go with the flow until the sea threw me out of the swirl back into calm waters. I came to view these lows as unimportant and insignificant when compared with the wondrous things the Lord had done and considering His trustworthy pledge to watch over me.[2] With my angst thus exposed as a phantom, I learned to ignore it, realizing that though I felt all hope was lost, I was simply having a bad day and joy would return with the breaking morning. I had merely to don my lifejacket and endure as I bounced around in the pounding surf, for I understood that the storm would be brief, the sea would once again become tranquil, and sunshine would soon pierce through the clouds.
Next time you find yourself having a bad day or series of bad days, observe your soul’s uneasiness, and realize that you can keep melancholy from gaining a firm grip on you. Do not allow it to drag you under in the choppy sea. Rather give thanks to the Lord, and praise Him for He is with you, keeping you safe.[3] Anchor yourself to Him, and you will not fear crashing upon the rocks. Ride out the turbulence, enduring the storm in the hiding place of God’s love and protection.[4]
In the Lord’s appointed timing, the rains and wind will pass over, and the light of heaven will stream down, sending away the blues, causing your emotions to rise with the joy about which your spirit testifies.
[1] Psalm 55:4-6
[2] Psalm 105:1-5
[3] Psalm 109:30-31
[4] Psalm 119:114