Discipline,  Faith,  Obedience,  Purpose

Discipleship – 2 Timothy 2:4

No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier.

Unreserved commitment and unencumbered service are required of those who desire to be Christ’s disciples.  On guard, at full alert, these volunteer forces stand ready to ward off entanglements with corrupting and distracting contingents lest these enemies choke off the faith they have in their Leader.[1]  They fix their eyes on the goal of gaining the eternal crown of righteousness, which Jesus awards to those who follow Him with devotion, who love Him to the end, who remain faithful to their commission in His holy legion.[2]

When Christ calls, “Follow Me,†they do not plead for more time to linger with earthly affairs, so they can acquire more wealth or accomplish loftier goals.[3]  Rather, being strong in the Lord, who is the source of their power and might,[4] they accept their Commander’s orders with enthusiasm and dedication, putting aside worldly pursuits and embracing their holy trust as part of the King’s army.  Having committed themselves to the Lord’s holy purposes, they do not faint nor falter in performing their duty and accomplishing their mission.

As good soldiers for Christ, they discipline their bodies and minds, so they are ready to defend themselves against the ensuing attacks meant to sideline them when the Commander most needs their service.[5]  They don protective gear, the full armor of God, so the enemy, made weak and pathetic by the cross, cannot defeat them or gain a foothold into their hearts.  They cover themselves with faith in Jesus Christ, bathe their minds in the Scriptures, and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Having thus prepared themselves, they stand firm when the fire of battle rages.[6]

Be a faithful soldier in the Lord’s honor guard.  Fight with all your strength for the cause of Christ, keeping in your remembrance the promise of eternal life.[7]  Shield your heart against sin and distraction, and serve Christ with fervor, making it your overriding ambition to lead a life that is pleasing to Him.[8]  Stand apart from the world in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior.  Follow closely after Him, allowing His love to grow daily within you, for as you do, you will become His trusted disciple, bringing Him glory by your faithful and profitable service for His kingdom.

[1] Luke 8:14

[2] 2 Timothy 4:8

[3] Luke 9:59-62

[4] Ephesians 6:10

[5] 1 Corinthians 9:25-27

[6] Ephesians 6:11-18

[7] 1 Timothy 6:12

[8] 2 Corinthians 5:9