Abide,  Faith,  Obedience,  Strength

Single Minded – 1 Kings 18:21

Elijah came near to all the people and said, “How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” But the people did not answer him a word.

We need not be like the waves of the sea, tossed about with each new trial or challenge.  Rather we can depend upon the one true, faithful God, who loves us without limitation or condition.[1]  He, who sustained us from our birth, is our refuge and hope, today, as He was yesterday, and will be tomorrow.[2]  We can trust Him with the desires of our hearts and the concerns of our souls, yet we must approach Him in faith without doubting if we expect Him to hear our prayers and answer them.[3]

Do not be like the double-minded, who are unstable in all their ways, and do not try to put one foot on the rock of your salvation while keeping the other foot in the world.  Instead, be wise, and plant both feet on the one sure foundation, Jesus Christ.  Cling to an unshakable faith in God, believing that He will bring about a blessed and divine resolution to the burdens and desires that you have entrusted to Him.[4]

Hold fast to the Lord your God, and He will grant you the desires of your heart.[5]  Put your faith in the mighty God who reigns in majesty over His creation, and He will help you.  Know that the Lord draws near to those who, with a single-minded commitment, draw near to Him, those who purify their hearts and humble themselves before Him.[6]  Believe with an unwavering heart that the prayer offered in trust can move mountains[7] when we bring our petitions before the Father with conviction, believing that He is the King of kings and that He blesses those who seek Him.  Put your faith in God and remain steadfast in your devotion to Him, for it is impossible to have a relationship with Him without faith.

When the howling winds of tribulation threaten to knock you down and the angry seas of anguish rise, threatening to drag you beneath frigid waters, do not give in to fear or despair.  Rather, trust in God, and refuse to let circumstances crush you.

Stand in faith against trials and foes alike, and the Lord your God will establish you and uphold your cause.[8]

[1] Hebrews 10:23, Jeremiah 31:3

[2] Psalm 71:1-6

[3] James 1:6-8

[4] Mark 11:22-24

[5] Psalm 37:4

[6] James 4:8-10

[7] James 5:15, Matthew 21:21-22

[8] Romans 16:25, Isaiah 41:10