Gentleness,  Humility,  Integrity,  Trust

Delicate Line – 2 Corinthians 5:12

We are not again commending ourselves to you but are giving you an occasion to be proud of us, so that you will have an answer for those who take pride in appearance and not in heart.

As was John the Baptist, we are lamps shining brightly, testifying of the Lord’s glory.[1]  Not that our testimonies are praiseworthy because of who we are, for we are merely lanterns filled with holy oil lighting the way to Jesus, who is the object of our praise.  Our lives, our mission, and our service are about Him, not us.

However, in our zeal as Christ’s disciples to share with others about the marvelous works He is doing through our consecrated ministry, we need to walk a delicate line, being diligent to guard our hearts against pride.[2]  As we rejoice in answered prayer, in Spirit-led service, and in God-ordained circumstances, our singular purpose should be to lift up Jesus, boasting not, even in the smallest degree, about our spiritual successes as if they were of our own making.

We struggle to speak exuberantly of God’s miraculous intervention without aggrandizing ourselves.  For in talking about our participation in kingdom work, we implicate ourselves as workers in the field from which the blossoms of new life bloom.  Indeed the line is fine, and only with hearts humbled by the magnitude of God’s grace and the depths of His mercy can we avoid the temptation to deflect His glory to ourselves.  Only, as we recognize our utter dependence on Him to produce the smallest seed of spiritual fruit, can He entrust our hearts with great accomplishments in His holy service.

Do you want to be part of monumental works and extraordinary victories for the Lord’s kingdom?  Devote yourself to prayer,[3] praying for a tender, humble heart that bows in submission and awe before the Lord God Almighty.[4]  Rejoice in your service to the Lord, and seek opportunities to speak of His faithfulness and marvelous works.  However, do so with right motives, guarding your heart, so you do not become guilty of practicing your good deeds before an audience that others might think more highly of you than they ought.[5]  Let your light shine, but choose your words well, seeking discernment from the Holy Spirit, desiring God’s approval, not other’s, so your praise will be acceptable and pleasing to Him.

Praise God, freely and lavishly, and love Him with an undivided heart.  Share your stories of victory while standing in the light of Jesus’ glory, while honoring Him before the watching world, and He will entrust you in the harvest fields, so you can reap abundant fruit.[6]

[1] John 5:35

[2] Luke 10:20

[3] Colossians 4:2

[4] Ephesians 6:18

[5] Matthew 6:1

[6] Matthew 13:23