Bad Advice – I Kings 12:8
But he forsook the counsel of the elders which they had given him, and consulted with the young men who grew up with him and served him.
Never has advice been more terrible than that which the young men of Rehoboam’s court gave to him.
Solomon’s son, having been crowned king of his father’s vast empire, seemed to seek worthy counsel by going first to the elders who had served his father, and these wise men gave him good advice, advice that would have allowed him to become a mighty and prosperous king had he followed it. Apparently, their counsel was not to his liking since he turned to his young companions, and weighing the elders’ advice against that of undistinguished, haughty courtiers, he disastrously chose the latter.[1] Subsequent attempts to hold onto his kingdom could not overcome the harm done by his gross miscalculation in following the advice of unwise men, and Rehoboam watched without recourse as the Lord reduced his kingdom to a fraction of its former glory and his people endured endless wars.[2]
I felt scorn and disbelief at the young man’s foolishness as I read Rehoboam’s story. I indulged in spiritual superiority until the Lord took me back but a short way to instances where I have shopped for the answers I wanted, heeding bad advice from dubious sources if it fit into my agenda. Foolish indeed was I to think I could arrive at a good destination by traveling on a thoroughfare other than the one the Lord had laid before me.
You need not fall into the ruin that follows acceptance of bad advice, for our heavenly Father leads those who desire to walk in the truth in the way of Truth.[3] Therefore, rather than listening to people whose actions and words fall short in purity, discernment, maturity, and godliness, seek wise counselors, and you will gain understanding and increase in learning.[4] Do not act like the unwise Rehoboam, who took the wrong course by spurning the sage recommendations of learned and respected men.[5] Choose your counselors with care, seeking guidance from those whose lives reflect Christ in all His glory, and reject advice that is incompatible with the teachings of Christ and the leading of the Holy Spirit within your own heart.
Seek to excel in all your ways by demonstrating wisdom, not the semblance of it that comes from seeking the counsel you want to hear, for God knows all that is in your heart, and He will bless you as you reverence Him and follow where He leads.[6]
[1] 1 Kings 12:3-14
[2] 1 Kings 14:30
[3] Psalm 91:15
[4] Proverbs 1:5
[5] Proverbs 12:15
[6] 1 Kings 8:39-40