The Word With Us – John 1:1-2
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.
How magnificent is our Lord, the Word made flesh, the revelation of God’s glory.
Though He dwells in the highest heavens, seated at the right hand of His Majesty,[1] though we cannot see Him physically, we who love Him can behold Him. For Jesus, having become a man who lived and walked on the earth[2] enters our hearts to dwell and dine with us[3] as a friend.[4] His revelation is with us in all we witness, perceive, and feel, for our Father grants us spiritual eyes that we may see Jesus in the fullness of His grace and truth, in the grandeur of His glory.[5] His splendor shines across the heavens,[6] making Him evident before us, so we may know Him. The Spirit speaks of His wonders, and the God-breathed Scriptures tell His magnificent story, the story of Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords.[7]
Jesus is the true understanding of God’s mystery, the One in whom the Father has hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.[8] He is the One the Word magnifies, the author of our faith and the power of God among us.[9] He is our righteousness and sanctification,[10] the radiance of His Father’s glory and the exact representation of God’s holy nature.[11] Consider the majestic mountains; Jesus was there when they burst forth from the sea. Consider the power of the oceans; Jesus was there when they were collected into their boundaries. When the earth formed and the stars turned on their lights, filling the void, Jesus was there, for He created them,[12] and Jesus will be there when we will stand before the throne of grace in the City of Gold, finally knowing in full, just as He has fully known us.[13]
In the beginning, even before the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God. Yet, we can know the Word, Jesus, for He reveals Himself to us and He makes Himself available to us. Graciously, He enlightens our eyes that we might see Him. By the indwelling Holy Spirit, He teaches us about Himself that we might know Him, and through His Holy Scriptures, He reveals Himself to us that we might behold Him.
Open your eyes, and behold your
Lord, Jesus. Stand in awe before the Sun
of Righteousness, and He will warm your soul and delight your spirit,[14] for blessed are they who see the Lord.[15]
Speechless, I come before you speechless
Your presence brings me to my knees
Searching for the words to praise You
For love that encompasses, yet frees
Breathless, Your beauty leaves me breathless
Trembling, I bring to you my offering
Emboldened by Your promise to
Accept the brokenness I bring
Awestruck, Your power leaves me awestruck
Bedazzled by Your glory all around
My heart, my mind, my soul, rejoice
As Your loving arms surround
Enraptured, I am totally enraptured
By the kindness on Your face
Amazed at the love and graciousness
I have found within this place
[1] Hebrews 8:1
[2] Romans 1:3
[3] Revelation 3:20
[4] John 15:15
[5] John 1:14
[6] Psalm 8:1
[7] Revelation 19:16
[8] Colossians 2:2-3
[9] Hebrews 12:2, 1 Corinthians 1:24
[10] 1 Corinthians 1:30
[11] Hebrews 1:3
[12] Colossians 1:16-17
[13] 1 Corinthians 13:12
[14] Malachi 4:2
[15] Luke 10:23-24