Faith,  Obedience,  Trust

A Different Spirit – Numbers 14:24

But My servant Caleb, because he has had a different spirit and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land which he entered, and his descendants shall take possession of it.

When you consider the unknown lands ahead of you, what do you see?  Do you see opportunity in following the Lord into new territory or impenetrable barriers to your success?[1]  Do you, like Caleb, have “a different spirit” or does your heart melt within you, causing you to cry before the Lord that things are too hard and the obstacles too great?[2] 

If you have a Caleb-like spirit of trust, praise the Lord God Almighty for He will bless your faithfulness and use you mightily for His kingdom.  However, if you identify more with the Israelites who grumbled to the Lord that they were inadequate and ill equipped to face the challenges that awaited them if they crossed into the unknown, cower in fear no longer.  Rather, turn back onto the path, and look straight ahead, following the light the Holy Spirit will shine upon your way.[3]  Accept the Lord’s gracious offer of prosperity and fullness of life, for He wants to lead you out of the wilderness in which you have been wandering and take you into the Promised Land, a place flowing with milk and honey.  Do not cringe at the thought of leaving behind the familiar since any place other than the one God has prepared for you will be like a desert compared to the rich,  though uncharted, land the Lord has laid before you.  Instead of lagging behind, trembling as if you were unprotected and alone, be strong and courageous.[4]  Go where the Lord directs you; go in assurance that He will be with you.  Believe His promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Walk boldly into the place where blessings await, and remember that He, who goes before His beloved, will guide you.[5]

Trust and obey the Lord,[6] demonstrating your faith and obedience by following Him.  Enter into and take possession of the land He desires to bring you into for your good and benefit.  Step unencumbered by fear into the desirable and fruitful region He has given you, and set your sights, not on the giants, which your eyes see, but on the promises, which your heart knows to be true.[7] 

Take possession of the territory reserved for you, and you will find yourself in the land where God’s glory lights your days and His love warms your nights.

Those giants are not so terribly big
When you trust My promises to you
You’ll have all you need to overcome
That mighty, strong, and frightening crew

Be strong and courageous, stalwart and bold
Do not be discouraged or dismayed
For your victory, I have assured
Stand tall, unwavering, and unafraid

Cross the border from the wilderness
Leave your wanderings far behind
Trust in the way I’ve prepared for you
Walk into the place that is wholly Mine

Take possession of the Promised Land
You’ll be protected and fully blessed
Determine that you will follow Me
With a spirit different from the rest

[1] Numbers 13:26-33

[2] Numbers 14:1

[3] Psalm 119:105

[4] 1 Chronicles 28:20

[5] Isaiah 58:11

[6] Proverbs 3:1-2

[7] Hebrews 11:1