A Heart Set on Obedience – Hebrews 10:12
Then he said to me, “Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words.
Not a single prayer from the righteous falls unheard; not a tear drops unseen. The Lord is ever attentive to His people, and He hears us as we reach out to Him with spirits resolute on pleasing Him through our obedience and devotion.[1] He delights in us as we aspire to know Him and strive to be faithful to Him. He promises to instill bravery and peace in us, to enable us to walk in faith, and to endure trials and temptations with dignity and holiness, even joy.[2]
The Lord, in fulfillment of His solemn promise to honor our commitment to Him, raises us on wings of strength and encouragement when we beseech Him to help us turn from worthless things.[3] Our pursuit of understanding and holiness is pleasing to Him, and He highly esteems those who seek Him with humility and with a desire to know Him more intimately.[4] Our fervent prayers rise as a memorial before Him,[5] and when He hears the call of our souls, He answers us, giving us insight and wisdom. He does not scorn us because of the despicable condition of our hearts. Rather, with tenderness and patience, He teaches us about a love that reaches to His throne, a love that treats others fairly, gives generously, stands in truthfulness, extends hospitality, and supports those in need.[6] He draws near to us, bringing us closer to the light, for He is the Light.
You may not feel as if God has heard your petitions, but be assured that He has, and do not be deceived into thinking that the Lord has taken lightly your desire to serve Him, for He has not.[7] Rejoice in His love, which goes beyond what you can begin to comprehend. Continue in obedience to Him, allowing Him to purify you and teach you of His wonders. Believe that He, being true to His word, has heard your prayers from the first day you set your heart on Him, and trust that though your flesh and mind may fail you, God will not.
In faith, continue to seek the Lord your God, and rejoice, for at the proper time, His answer will be before you, making your face shine in radiance, causing you to reflect His glory.[8]
Set your heart on understanding,
Wisdom, honor, majesty
Humble yourself before the Lord
Trusting He will bring the victory
Desire purity and holiness
That you might emulate the One
Who ruled in truth and grandeur
Before the earth had yet begun
Turn from the world’s vanity
And the emptiness it holds
Lift your eyes toward heaven
As God’s plan for you unfolds
Be assured, God’s hears the prayers
You have offered day and night
He is ever right beside you
Keeping you within His sight
And in His perfect timing
He will earth and heaven shake
To grant your heart’s desires
For He will not your cause forsake
[1] Isaiah 38:5-6
[2] Daniel 10:19
[3] Psalm 119:37
[4] Daniel 9:21-23
[5] Acts 10:4
[6] Isaiah 58:6-9
[7] Psalm 73:26
[8] Psalm 34:4