A Teachable Heart – Psalm 103:11
For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His loving kindness toward those who fear Him.
Hallelujah! God loved us while we were yet unredeemed,[1] and He loves us yet despite our sin. In His mercy, He does not ask for our perfection, only our willingness to draw close to Him and to allow His Spirit to work in us, to show us the way that we might please Him and be fruitful for His kingdom. He assures us He will complete the good work He has begun in us,[2] so we can rejoice in the journey and in each victory along the way.
I remember a time when my ego was so bruised over some affront that my heart writhed in anger and the desire for revenge. Consuming thoughts of the injustice done to me disturbed my sleep that night. I had been wronged. Another had treated me with disrespect, and that was not acceptable.
Miserable, dejected, feeling the full force of my impotence to control the situation, I opened my Bible the next morning. As I read the Word of God, it did not fail to accomplish that which the Lord intended.[3] Its light shone into my darkened spirit, bringing me the wisdom to see how foolishly I was behaving by wallowing in anger and fretting although I knew my behavior would lead me only deeper into darkness.[4] As I allowed the living and active Word of God to pierce as deep as of the division of my soul and spirit,[5] my perspective turned. I saw my sin in all its ugliness, and I was repentant for disregarding the Word’s admonishment to be anxious for nothing and to pray about everything while resting in the joy of the Lord.[6]
My heart softened, and suddenly, it was no longer all about me. My desire to reflect the glory of God overcame my need to be right, to be appreciated, to be respected, and joy returned. Humbled, desiring peace with my fellow sojourner,[7] I could get beyond myself and pursue the other’s best interest.[8] I no longer wanted revenge; rather I wanted to cultivate faithfulness in the place where the Lord has put me.[9]
Where would we be without the Lord’s mercy, and where would
we be without His Word? Praise God that
we need never find out, for He is the fountain of life and in His light, we see
light.[10] Praise Him that by His grace, His Spirit
leads us along the path of life into His presence where we have fullness of
[1] Romans 5:8
[2] Philippians 1:6
[3] Isaiah 55:11
[4] Psalm 119:130, Psalm 37:8
[5] Hebrews 4:12
[6] Philippians 4:6
[7] Hebrews 12:14
[8] Philippians 2:4
[9] Psalm 37:3
[10] Psalm 36:9
[11] Psalm 16:11