About Highway of Holiness

Highway of Holiness is a ministry of Serving in Jesus’ Name and is offered as part of our mission to demonstrate the love of God and share the Good News of the Gospel.  We are ever grateful for the living, active Word of God, which pierces deeper into our hearts and minds than any two-edged sword could do.  We praise the Lord for the gift of His Scripture and for His indwelling Holy Spirit, who uses the Word to teach us how to live as God desires us to live.  Knowing how great the joy awaiting those willing to seek and obey the Lord as they walk in His transforming grace, being conformed day-by-day into to Jesus’ image, each of Highway of Holiness’ 365 devotions is intended to draw the reader closer to the Lord.

Note from the Author

This collection of devotions is the Word of God wrapped in the meditations of my heart.  Knowing that the Word is perfect,[1] I have my flaws and inadequacies ever before me as I attempt to do His Word justice.  As I write of the Lord’s perfecting work in us, my own imperfections would silence me were it not for the knowledge that I, who having embraced Jesus as my Lord and Savior, have been created in Christ Jesus for the good works God Himself has ordained.[2] Therefore, I offer this work trusting that He, who has begun a good work in me, will complete it in His time.[3]

In light of my weakness, I cry out as did Paul, asking who will save me from this body of death, and I receive the same answer, “Jesus Christ, our Lord.”[4] Though but a sinner saved by grace though faith,[5] who at times feels as if I have barely traveled a few miles along the Highway of Holiness, the Lord has given me the profound desire to write this book, so I must entrust Him with its outcome.  I can only pray that these meditations are acceptable in His sight[6] as He overshadows my human frailty by the power of the Holy Scriptures, which I have intertwined with each thought captured on these pages.  I pray that the Word comes forth through this work, restoring the soul, enlightening the mind, and rejoicing the heart of the reader.

May the Word’s purity bring the reader wisdom, giving a deep and enduring sense of the awesomeness of our holy, righteous, loving Lord. May it provide a glimpse of the glory that shines upon one, who having faithfully traveled along the Highway of Holiness, passes from living into life and comes face to face with the Lord.[7]

Take joy, Dear Reader, for the Lord is ever faithful to His promise that if we seek Him with all our hearts, we will find Him,[8] and in finding Him, we will step into the abundant life He came to give us.[9]

Isaiah 35:8 A highway will be there, a roadway, and it will be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean will not travel on it, but it will be for him who walks that way, and fools will not wander on it.[10]

[1] Psalm 19:7

[2] Ephesians 2:10

[3] Ephesians 1:6

[4] Romans 7:24-25

[5] Ephesians 2:8

[6] Psalm 19:14

[7] Psalm 19:7-14

[8] Jeremiah 29:13

[9] John 10:10

[10]This verse is picturing a scene in the new Millennium, after Christ establishes His kingdom on earth.  At that time, there will be a highway of holiness leading to Jerusalem.  God also wants us to walk on His highway of holiness in our spiritual lives today as we travel the road of sanctification ever closer to the likeness of Christ.