Abundant Life – John 10:10b
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
Out of the great love with which He loves us,[1] our Father in heaven sent Jesus to give us life, abundant life, a life beyond what we could ask for in our most ambitious daydreams.[2]
Surely, Jesus came to give us the incalculably valuable gift of eternal life, which alone is cause for rejoicing, but He also came to give us joy here on earth.[3] Through Him, we receive grace upon grace,[4] for He pours out blessings on us, so we can experience a beautiful life surrounded by God’s splendor, delighting in Him and in the promise of our royal heritage.[5] He came to seek us while we were yet lost, to reconcile us to the Father, to justify us, to wash away all traces of condemnation, and to cover us with His righteousness.[6] He came to lead us out of the darkness into the light,[7] to walk with us beside gentle streams, to refresh our souls, and to rejuvenate our minds.[8] He came to strengthen us in our sickness and restore us in our brokenness.[9] He came to give us power, to make us fruitful, to give us a sure and steadfast hope, and to grant us an enduring peace and unbounded joy. Jesus came to give us a life worth living.
“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good,”[10] and walk in His abundance. Live as one who is more than a conqueror in Christ, and relish the freedom you have over the foes that would crush you had you not followed the Lord into victory.[11] Delight in the glorious life Jesus has given to you. Cherish your relationship with Him, and be joyful, giving thanks to God in all things, trusting Him through difficult circumstances, refusing to allow them to steal your joy in being alive, exuberantly alive, in Christ.[12]
Lay down your burdens at the entrance of the holy place into which Jesus has invited you. Step inside, clothed in the riches of His glory, armed with His might, and enlightened in the truth of His holy statutes. Enter in and receive your wonderful life in Christ, and you will live it abundantly.[13]
[1] Ephesians 2:4
[2] Ephesians 3:20
[3] Acts 2:28
[4] John 1:16
[5] Psalm 16:6-11
[6] Romans 5:17
[7] John 8:12
[8] Psalm 23:2
[9] Ezekiel 34:16
[10] Psalm 34:8
[11] Romans 8:37
[12] Colossians 1:11-12
[13] 1 Timothy 6:17