Encouragement,  Faith,  Freedom,  Purpose

Adequacy in Christ – 2 Corinthians 3:4-5

Such confidence we have through Christ toward God.  Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God

Broad are the shoulders that carry our load, and gracious is the Spirit who assists us in the excellent works the Lord has appointed us to do.[1]  Soothing is the encouragement that reminds us that Jesus Christ is our adequacy, not we ourselves. Reassuring is the promise that every capability and resource we need comes to us directly from His hand,[2] and unfailing is the strength He imparts to us. 

As our excellent Helper and Provider, the Lord has not left us alone to accomplish His ministry of love.  He is with us wherever we go.[3]  He helps us accomplish the work preordained for us, making it possible for us to perform it according to His will.[4]  He is our all sufficiency, and He enables us to persevere, so we might accomplish what He has given us to do.  As branches of the Vine, all that we need flows to us from Him, our source.  He fully prepares us for the work He will do through us, for He is the Creator and we are His creations. 

We can entrust the Lord with our desire to see His name raised high above every name on the earth and to observe the lost brought to salvation.  He will make our yielded hearts useful to sow or to reap according to His will as we allow Him to direct our feet in the way leading to honor and holiness.[5]  We need not depend on eloquence to further His kingdom on earth, for He will put wise and perfect words of healing and restoration into our mouths at precisely the right time, words which those whose hearts He has tendered will not be able to resist or refute.[6]

Do you feel heavy laden with the burden to see a significant impact from your service in the Lord’s name?  You need not.  Rather than carrying the weight of your desire to produce eternal results, faithfully perform the ministry He lays out before you and leave the outcome to your faithful Lord, for He is your adequacy, and the work is His, not yours.  Trust in Him, and though He may not show you the effects of your kingdom works while you live on this earth, remain confident that what you have performed in faith has eternal value, for at the appointed time, the Lord will harvest a plenteous crop from the seeds you sow in obedience and love.[7]

The fallow field lay rough and hard
Great clumps of dirt unbroken
Rocks and weeds obstruct the plow
As words of life are spoken

Discouraged by so dry a field
We waver, worry, faint
“How can we work this barren land?”
Becomes our cry, complaint

“We find no break within the crust
Of earth and shale and stone
We cannot reach these hardened hearts”
We grumble and we groan

But Jesus whispers, “Sow your seeds
Not one is cast in vain
So till the ground and water it
And you’ll see waves of grain

“That sprout and grow into new life
Because you persevere
You’ll reap abundant harvest
And cause your heart to cheer”

[1] Ephesians 2:10

[2] James 1:17

[3] John 14:16-20

[4] Philippians 2:13

[5] Isaiah 30:21

[6] Luke 21:14-15

[7] John 15:5