Animosity of the World – John 15:25
But they have done this to fulfill the word that is written in their Law, “They hated Me without a cause.”
Do not be surprised when a non-Christian despises you without provocation since many who are without Christ will hate us for our devotion to Him, just as they hate Him. Since they are dwelling in darkness under the dominion of Satan,[1] the light of Jesus in us offends them. As we abide in Him, testifying of Him through the indwelling Spirit of Truth,[2] the truth, wrapped in the fullness of God’s glory, provokes rage and hatred in the dark spirits who use deception to control their captives. If we loved sin and hated righteousness, they would love us, but we do not, for we are no longer of the world because Christ has led us out of it into the heavenly realm.[3]
Christ told us that the world would despise those who were faithful to Him;[4] therefore, we should expect persecution for living as godly people in Christ Jesus.[5] If the world loves us, we must wonder if we have become like salt that has lost its saltiness. If those who are living in the world do not see that we are different, then our lives must not be reflecting the holiness, faith, patience, and love of Christ.[6]
Praise God, if people have attacked, misunderstood, or shunned you because of your testimony and work to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost. For it is better to be persecuted for Christ than to have all people speak well of you because you have buried your light under a basket and cannot be differentiated from those who have rejected Him.[7] Better to be the target of the ungodly than to have everyone love you because you have so diluted the Gospel that you offend no one when speaking of the things you have heard and seen in Christ.
Do not be distressed when others hate you because of your love for Jesus and for your pursuit of holiness. Instead, rejoice, and continue to follow the Lord’s teaching to love your enemies and to serve them in kindness, expecting nothing in return. Let the light of Jesus Christ, which is burning within you, shine for those living in the world to see, and you will do more than accumulate a rich reward in heaven for your faithfulness.[8] For as you serve in the world as Christ’s ambassador, perhaps, by the Lord’s grace and the Holy Spirit’s power, some of those who hate you because of Jesus will be drawn in from the cold, black night to join Him around the warming fire of salvation and to sit among those who are the members of God’s family.[9]
[1] Acts 26:18
[2] John 15:26-27
[3] John 15:19
[4] John 16:1-4
[5] 2 Timothy 3:12
[6] 2 Timothy 3:10-11
[7] Luke 6:26
[8] Luke 6:35
[9] Isaiah 29:18